The TPC-C database benchmark -- What does it really mean?
by Brian L. Wong
- We explain how TPC-C works and what exactly it reports so you can interpret results.
(2,000 words)
Create a highly available environment for your mission-critical applications
by Evan Marks
- We tell you what highly available means and advise you on how to plan for, choose, and implement HA solutions.
(2,500 words)
Stretching the LAN
by Ron Levine
- Wireless computing is about much more than mobility. It's about improving corporate efficiency and productivity and increasing profits. Find out how a wireless LAN is helping one site save $100,000 a year.
(2,500 words)
- Controlling unsolicited bulk e-mail
by Barry D. Bowen
- Who's taking action? What's being done?
(6,900 words)
Perl: the challenges ahead
by Robert McMillan
- Find out what's up with Perl these days. An exclusive interview with Perl's creator, Larry Wall, and his boss, Tim O'Reilly.
(3,000 words)
Top news stories
Sun to launch Ultra Enterprise 450 workgroup server
by Robert McMillan
- Sun's answer to the Compaq Proliant 6000 to ship in September.
(750 words)
Sun's JavaSpaces is foundation for future distributed systems
by Rob Guth
- Work now underway to create globally scalable, distributed OS.
(1,400 words)
- SunScript changes its mind, decides to give away its Tcl products
by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz
- A report from the Usenix Boston Tcl/TK Workshop.
(1,100 words)
- NCR hangs 64-bit plans on Solaris and Merced
by Rebecca Sykes
- NCR's hardware manager, configuration technology to be integrated into Solaris.
(300 words)
- Diba acquisition puts Sun in toaster business
by Robert McMillan
- And reinforces the value of the Java trademark.
(750 words)
SunSpots: The latest tidbits on Sun deals and product news
by IDG News Service staff
- Ultra 3000 prices to be slashed. Sun downplays impact of Microsoft-Apple deal. New SunTest group to ship Java testing tools this month. NC reference profile to be turned over to Open Group.
(5 stories posted)
The Internet Files: news on the latest Internet standards and struggles
by IDG News Service staff
- Internet Society appoints new slate of officers.
(150 words)
Career Advisor:
Managing those ever-tricky money matters, continued
by Edgar Saadi
- Why are your colleagues making more than you? How should you
negotiate for a higher salary during your reviews? Should you
push for a counter-offer? These questions are answered here.
(2,600 words)
Bill's Bookshelf:
Digital aesthetics: artistic movement or oxymoron?
by Bill Rosenblatt
- Ex-MIT Media Labber tries to rise above "cyber-hip."
(2,500 words)
Unix Enterprise:
To outsource or not to outsource -- What are the factors?
by Harris Kern and Randy Johnson
- We give you guidelines for deciding what and when to outsource.
(2,100 words)
- Reader Letters
- Luddites or visionaries? Readers debate Sun's Java
fixation; year 2000 compliance issues with Barry Bowen; Q&A with
Adrian Cockcroft; and a "break-and-enter" tip from security
expert Peter Galvin.
More news
- Eye on the competition: up-to-the-minute news on Sun's rivals by IDG News Service staff
- Compaq strikes a deal with SCO and ships new enterprise servers. HP's Visualize to be on NT by year's end. Also, IBM launches its own LDAP directory services.
(4 stories posted)
- SunWorld's Net News Central
compiled by Craig Knudsen
- Your quick resource for Sun-related headlines on the World Wide Web -- including links to full-length articles.
New products
- If it runs on, plugs into, or talks to Sun, SPARC, or Solaris, it's here in the industry's most comprehensive and timely new product listing.
How do you rate?
by Chuck Musciano
- Using PICS to increase the value of you Web site.
(1,600 words)
Inside Solaris:
Processor utilization and wait I/O -- a look inside
by Jim Mauro
- Have high percentages of wait I/O time caused you endless hours of looking for I/O bottlenecks, only to come up empty? How is it that a system can have a well-tuned I/O subsystem and still show high wait I/O times? Read this and discover the answers.
(3,300 words)
Security: Pete's Wicked World --
Web Security & Commerce: Make room on your shelves for this one
by Peter Galvin
- The latest Garfinkel and Spafford book tells us why we should worry about Web security and why Web servers are so vulnerable to attack. Plus...The Buglist features patches for
talkd and ping ; Break-ins focuses on ESPN SportsZone and nba.com; and The Toolbox offers information on Trusted Solaris.
(2,700 words)
Performance Q&A:
How does Solaris 2.6 improve performance stats and Web performance?
by Adrian Cockcroft
- We fill you in on all the new performance and measurement enhancements.
(3,400 words)
Understanding ATM networking and network layer switching, part one
by Rawn Shah
- Learn about the issues behind ATM and TCP/IP integration: How is it done? How will vendors do it in the future?
(1,900 words)
Real World Perspectives:
Manage your global network effectively
by Frank Henderson and Dave Koehler
- Here's how one company isolated network problems and addressed map customization, synchronization, and maintenance across its enterprise.
1,400 words)
Unix 101:
Shell programming and simple menus -- part 2
by Mo Budlong
- Getting more mileage out of your menu: Execute different files
through one "menu driver." We take you through the code step by step.
(3,200 words)