Satan The CIAC/CIOA archive, provided and maintained by
the Center for Information Operations and Assurance
(formerly Computer Security Technology Center), Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory
SunSolve Online
Collections of informational documents, patch descriptions,
a symptom/resolution database, and download access to the latest
system patches
JavaWorld magazine
This sister publication to SunWorld helps developers and enterprise managers understand and effectively use Java and related technologies
au Lait Java news and resources updated almost daily
The Java Security Hotlist Books, Researchers, FAQs, Papers, Talks/Articles, Hostile Applets, Commercial Links, Mostly Harmless, and Bad Java Security Links
Java Lobby Represents the needs and concerns of the Java developer
and user community to the companies and organizations who influence the
evolution of Java A
comprehensive shareware site that includes hundreds of applets,
classes, servlets, beans, and devtools