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Kernel synchronization primitives

Jim provides a look at the various systems architectures for building multiprocessor systems, and describes how Solaris keeps things synchronized

Multiprocessor systems are mainstream these days. From the desktop to the datacenter, systems with more than one processor are used for everything from high-end desktop applications to large datacenter backends. This month, Jim takes a brief look at the multiprocessor systems architectures in use today, including the shared memory multiprocessor architecture, Sun's choice for its multiprocessor systems. His discussion will provide a solid background for a segue into the locking primitives used by the Solaris kernel to facilitate multiprocessor platform support. (5,500 words)


By Jim Mauro
Multiprocessor (MP) systems from Sun are implemented as shared memory multiprocessor (SMP) systems. Symmetric multiprocessor is also a common expansion of the SMP acronym, and Sun's MP systems meet the criteria for both definitions. Symmetric multiprocessor describes a system in which a peer-to-peer relationship exists among all the processors (CPUs) on the system. A master processor, defined as the only CPU on the system that can execute operating system code and field interrupts, does not exist. All processors are equal. The shared memory definition describes an architecture in which all the processors have a uniform view of all the systems' physical and virtual address space, and a single image of the operating system is shared by all CPUs. Sun SMP systems are built on interconnects that provide very high sustainable bandwidth and low, uniform latency. Additionally, Sun SMP systems have a uniform view of I/O space and uniform I/O access characteristics. In other words, the I/O interfaces are the same distance from all the processors on the system, in terms of latency and bandwidth, regardless of where they reside physically.

Alternative MP architectures change the SMP model in different ways. Massively parallel processor (MPP) systems are built on nodes that contain a relatively small number of processors, some local memory, and I/O. Each node contains its own copy of the operating system, which allows each node to address its own physical and virtual address space. The address space of one node is not visible to the other nodes on the system, and the nodes are connected together with a high-speed, low latency interconnect, and node-to-node communication is done through an optimized message passing interface. MPP architectures require a new programming model in order to achieve parallelism across nodes. The SMP does not work because address spaces are not visible across nodes; memory pages cannot be shared by threads running on different nodes. Thus, an API that provides an interface into the message-passing path in the kernel must be used by code that wishes to scale across the various nodes in the system. There are other issues around the nonuniform nature of the architecture with respect to I/O processing, as the I/O controllers on each node are not easily made visible to all the nodes on the system. Some MPP platforms attempt to provide the illusion of a uniform I/O space across all the nodes using kernel software, but the nonuniformity of the access times to nonlocal I/O devices still exists.

NUMA and ccNUMA (nonuniform memory access and cache coherent NUMA) architectures attempt to address the programming model issue inherent in MPP systems. From a hardware architecture point of view, NUMA systems resemble MPPs -- small nodes with few processors, a node-to-node interconnect, local memory, and I/O on each node. The operating system software is designed to provide a single system image, where each node has a view of the system's memory address space. In this way, the shared memory model is preserved. However, the nonuniform nature of memory access is a factor in the performance and potential scalability of the platform. When a thread executes on a processor node on a NUMA or ccNUMA system and incurs a page fault (references an unmapped memory address), the latency involved in resolving the page fault varies, depending on whether the physical memory page is on the same node as the executing thread or on a node somewhere across the interconnect. The latency variance may be substantial. As the level of memory page sharing increases across threads executing on different nodes, there is a potentially higher volume of page faults that need to be resolved from a nonlocal memory segment, adversely effecting performance and scalability.

At this point, you should have a sufficient enough background in parallel architectures to understand our upcoming discussion on building a scalable operating system for an SMP architecture. Keep in mind that we've barely scratched the surface of this very complex topic; entire texts (see Resources) have been devoted to parallel architectures, and I recommend you reference them for additional information. The diagram in Figure 1 below illustrates the different architectures.

Figure 1. Various parallel architectures

As I alluded to earlier, Solaris is currently designed for optimum performance on SMP architectures. The challenge in building an operating system that provides scalable performance on an SMP platform is maintaining data integrity. Multiple processors can run kernel code, handle interrupts, etc. Kernel data and state information must be preserved -- multiple processors cannot update or change the same set of data at the same time. In addition, access to such data must be synchronized system wide.

The definition of scalable performance is somewhat subjective. Our working definition in the context of this column defines scalability as getting more work done on a system when the system grows. Adding more processors means getting more work done, or reducing the amount of time it takes to get the same amount of work done. The system must be able to have multiple processors executing operating system code concurrently -- concurrency is key to scalability.

The problem, as I said, is maintaining data integrity on data structures, data links, and state information in the kernel. We cannot allow threads running on multiple processors to manipulate pointers to the same data structure on the same linked list all at the same time. We should prevent one processor from reading a bit of critical state information (for example, is a processor online?) while a thread executing on another processor is changing the same state data (for example, in the process of bringing a processor online, but the processor is still in a state transition).

To solve the problem of data integrity on SMP systems, the kernel implements locking mechanisms and requires that all operating system code be aware of the number and type of locks that exist in the kernel, and comply with the locking hierarchy and rules for acquiring locks before writing or reading kernel data. It is worth noting that the architectural issues of building a scalable kernel are not very different from those of developing a multithreaded application to run on an SMP system. Multithreaded applications must also synchronize access to shared data, using the same basic locking primitives that are used in the kernel (discussed in more below). Other synchronization problems exist in kernel code that make the problem significantly more complex for operating systems development, such as dealing with interrupts and trap events, but the fundamental problems are the same.

Solaris implements several different types of locks (kernel synchronization is not a one-size-fits-all problem), each designed to address a specific requirement for data integrity while minimally impacting performance.

Mutex locks
Kernel threads executing on the system need to acquire locks when they enter different areas of the kernel. There are only two possible states a lock can be in when a thread attempts to get ownership: free or not free (owned, held, etc.). A requesting thread gets ownership of a free lock when the get-lock (I'm using a generic term here) function is entered. If the lock is not free, the thread most likely needs to block and wait for it to become available. So we need a sleep queue facility for managing threads blocking on locks. This is where turnstiles come into play. We discussed turnstiles in detail last month.

When a thread releases a lock, two possible conditions need to be handled: either threads are sleeping, waiting for the lock, or no waiters exist. With no waiters, the lock can simply be freed. With waiters, the thread (or threads) must be removed from the sleep queue and made runable so it can take ownership of the lock. Figure 2 provides an overview.

Figure 2. Kernel thread/lock process overview

Our discussion so far may seem quite rudimentary, but it's easy to get mired in the low-level implementation details and lose sight of the big picture -- it's the old forest and trees problem. We've covered the forest. Now, here are the trees.

Mutual exclusion, or mutex, locks are the most common type of synchronization primitive used in the kernel. Mutex locks serialize access to critical data, where a kernel thread must acquire the mutex specific to the data region being protected before it can read or write the data. The thread is the lock owner while it's holding the lock, and the thread must release the lock when it's finished working in the protected region, allowing other threads to access the protected data.

If a thread attempts to acquire a mutex lock that is being held, it can basically do one of two things: it can spin, or it can block. Spinning means that the thread will enter a tight loop, attempting to acquire the lock in each pass through the loop. The term spin lock is often used to describe this type of mutex. Blocking refers to the thread being placed on a sleep queue while the lock is being held, and the kernel sending a wakeup to the thread when the lock is freed. There are pros and cons to both approaches. The spin approach has the benefit of not incurring the overhead of context switching required when a thread is put to sleep. This approach also has the advantage of a relatively fast acquisition when the lock is freed, because there is no context-switch operation. The downside comes in the form of CPU consumption while the thread is in the spin loop; the CPU is not really doing any useful work.

The blocking approach has the upside of freeing the processor to execute other threads while the lock is being held, and the downside of requiring context switching to get the waiting thread off the processor and a new runable thread on the processor. There's also a little more lock acquisition latency because a wakeup and context switch are required before the blocking thread can become owner of the lock it awaits.

In addition to the issue of what to do if a requested lock is being held, we also need to resolve the question of lock granularity. Let's take a simple example. The kernel maintains a process table, which is a linked list of process structures, one for each of the processes running on the system. A simple table-level mutex could be implemented, which would require any thread needing to manipulate a process structure to first acquire the process table mutex.

This level of locking is very coarse. It has the advantage of simplicity, and minimal lock overhead. It has the obvious disadvantage of potentially poor scalability because only one thread at a time can manipulate objects on the process table. Such a lock is likely to have a great deal of contention (become a hot lock). The alternative is to implement a finer level of granularity -- a lock-per-process table entry vs. one table-level lock. With a lock on each process table entry, multiple threads can manipulate different process structures at the same time, which provides concurrency. The downside is that such an implementation is more complex, increases the chances of deadlock situations, and results in more general overhead because there are more locks to manage. In general, the Solaris kernel implements relatively fine-grained locking whenever possible. The wealth of talent and experience in building SMP kernels that exists in Solaris kernel engineering goes a long way in addressing the downside trade-offs to fine-grained locking, as you will soon see.

Solaris implements two types of mutex locks: spin locks and adaptive locks. We already discussed spin locks, which spin in a tight loop if a desired lock is being held when a thread attempts to acquire the lock. Adaptive locks are the most common type of lock, and are designed to dynamically either spin or block when a lock is being held, depending on the state of the holder. We already discussed the trade-offs of spinning versus blocking. Implementing a locking scheme that only does one or the other can severely impact scalability and performance. It is much better to use an adaptive locking scheme, which is precisely what we do.

The mechanics of adaptive locks are fairly straightforward: when a thread attempts to acquire a lock, and the lock is being held, the kernel examines the state of the thread that holds the lock. If the lock holder (owner) is running on a processor, the thread attempting to get the lock will spin. If the thread holding the lock is not running, the thread attempting to get the lock will block. This policy works quite well because the code is such that mutex hold times are very short (the goal being to minimize the amount of code to be executed while holding a lock); so if a thread is holding a lock and running, the lock will likely be freed very soon, probably in less time than it takes to context switch off and on again -- thus, it's worth spinning. On the other hand, if a lock holder is not running, then we know there's at least one context switch involved before the holder will release the lock (getting the holder back on a processor to run). Therefore, it makes sense to simply block and free up the processor to do something else. The kernel will place the blocking thread on a turnstile and wake up the thread when the lock is freed by the holder.

The other distinction between adaptive locks and spin locks has to do with interrupts, the dispatcher, and context switching. High-level interrupts can interrupt the dispatcher (the code that selects threads for scheduling and does context switches), which means we cannot do context switches in a high-level interrupt context. The dispatcher code required to do the context switch cannot execute when a processor is running at a high priority interrupt level (PIL). Adaptive locks can block, and blocking means context switching, which means that only spin locks can be used in high-level interrupt handlers. Also, spin locks can raise the interrupt level of the processor when the lock is acquired.

The block of pseudo code below illustrates the general mechanics of mutex locks. A lock is declared in the code -- in this case, it is embedded in the data structure it is designed to protect. Once declared, the lock is initialized with the kernel mutex_init() function. Any subsequent reference to the kdata structure requires that the klock mutex be acquired with mutex_enter(). Once the work is done, the lock is freed with mutex_exit(). The lock type, spin or adaptive, is determined in the mutex_init() code by the kernel. Assuming an adaptive mutex in this example, any kernel threads that make a mutex_enter() call on klock will either block or spin, depending on the state of the kernel thread that owns klock when the mutex_enter() is called.

struct kdata {
 mutex_lock klock;
 long counter;
 int data[DATASIZE];
} mydata;
 counter = value;
 myfield = data[index];

Figure 3. Two mutex lock structures

Figure 3 shows the structure of the two different types of mutex locks, distinguishing the differences in implementations between Solaris 7, 2.6, and 2.5.1.

The adaptive mutex in Solaris 7 contains only one field, m_owner, which reflects the kernel thread ID of the owner while the lock is being held. This field plays a double role, in that it also serves as the actual lock; successful lock acquisition for a thread means it has its kthread ID is set in the target lock. Any thread attempting to get the lock while it's being held is termed a waiter, and the low-order bit (bit 0) of m_owner is set to reflect that a thread is waiting for the lock.

Solaris 2.6 defines several fields in the adaptive mutex structure. m_owner_lock reflects the kthread ID of the owner and serves as the actual lock as well. m_waiters is the ID of the turnstile if threads are sleeping (blocked) on the lock. m_wlock synchronizes access to the m_waiters field when a thread is being placed on a turnstile, and m_type reflects the lock type (adaptive).

Note that the spin lock in 2.5.1 and 2.6 also includes a type field, where Solaris 7 does not. Solaris 2.5.1 declares a large mutex structure as a C language union, defining several different possible instantiations of the mutex, which get resolved when the kernel is built (compiled -- C language unions are resolved at compile time). I don't want to get mired in subtle differences that would not add real value to our discussion, but at the same time I want to be sure to point out relevant differences in implementations. The 2.5.1 diagram serves two purposes: it illustrates the disparity in the way the mutex structures are defined across releases, and it also shows how the fields are conceptually very similar (identical in some cases) to those in 2.6. For spin locks, the lock structure is virtually identical across all three releases.

In addition to the difference in mutex structure definitions, the mutex code in 2.5.1 also defines a mutex operation's vector array. Each element in the array is a mutex_ops structure -- one structure for each type of mutex defined in 2.5.1. The array is indexed based on the lock type and the function call. The design is such that there are specific functions to handle lock operations for each of the different types of mutex locks. Solaris 2.5.1 defines the required adaptive and spin locks, as well as variations on these locks types; note the adaptive2 lock type in Figure 3. Common entry points into the mutex code pass control to the lock-specific functions by switching through the operation's array based on the lock type and function offset. This design is not implemented in either 2.6 or 7.

The spin mutex, as we discussed earlier, is used at high interrupt levels, where context switching is not allowed. The m_minspl field stores the priority level of the interrupt handler when the lock is initialized, and m_oldspl gets set to the priority level the processor was running at when the lock code is called. When we enter an interrupt handler, the PIL of the processor handling the interrupt may be elevated. Consequently, we need to save the PIL the processor was running so it can be restored when the interrupt handler exits. The m_spinlock field is the actual mutex lock.

Kernel mutex locks are implemented throughout the operating system. There are literally hundreds, which accounts in part for the excellent scalability Solaris provides on MP platforms. Each module implementing one or more mutex locks calls into a common set of mutex functions. All locks must first be initialized using the mutex_init() function, where the lock type is determined, based on an argument passed in the mutex_init() call. The most common type passed into mutex_init() is MUTEX_DEFAULT, which results in the init code determining what type of lock should be used -- adaptive or spin. It is possible for a caller of mutex_init() to be specific about a lock type (for example, MUTEX_SPIN), but that is rarely done. If the init code is called from a device driver, or any kernel module that registers and generates interrupts, an interrupt block cookie is added to the argument list. The mutex_init() code checks the argument list for an interrupt block cookie, which in abstraction is used by device drivers when they set their interrupt vector and parameters. If mutex_init() is being called from a device driver to initialize a mutex to be used in a high-level interrupt handler, the lock type is set to spin. Otherwise, an adaptive lock is initialized.

The test is the interrupt level in the passed interrupt block. Levels above 10 (on SPARC systems) are considered high-level interrupts and require spin locks. The init code will clear most of the fields in the mutex lock structure as appropriate for the lock type and Solaris release (for example, 2.6 adaptive locks have more lock structure fields to initialize to a zero state). The m_dummylock field in spin locks is set to all ones (0xff) in all releases (you'll see why in a minute).

The primary mutex functions called, aside from mutex_init(), which is called only one time for each lock at initialization time, are: mutex_enter() to get a lock, and mutex_exit() to release it. mutex_enter() assumes an available, adaptive lock. If the lock is held, or is a spin lock, mutex_vector_enter() is entered to reconcile what should happen. This is a performance optimization. mutex_enter() is implemented in assembly code. By designing the entry point for a simple case (adaptive lock, not held), the amount of code that gets executed to acquire a lock when those conditions are true is minimal. The test for a lock held or spin lock is very fast as well. This is where the m_dummylock field comes into play. mutex_enter() executes a compare-and-swap instruction on the first byte of the mutex, testing for a zero value.

On a spin lock, the m_dummylock field gets tested, due to its positioning in the data structure and the endian nature of SPARC processors. Because m_dummylock is always set (it is set to all ones in mutex_init()), the test will fail for spin locks. The test will also fail for a held adaptive lock because such a lock will have a nonzero value in the byte field tested against.

If the two conditions are not true, we enter the mutex_vector_enter() function to sort things out. For spin locks, the m_oldspl field is set based on the current PIL of the processor, and the lock is tested. If it's not being held, the lock is set (m_spinlock), and the code returns to the caller. A held lock forces the caller into a spin loop, where a loop counter is incremented (for statistical purposes), and the code checks if the lock is still held in each pass through the loop. Once the lock is freed, the code breaks out of the loop, grabs the lock, and returns to the caller.

Adaptive locks require a little more work. When the adaptive code path is entered, the cpu_sysinfo.mutex_adenters (adaptive lock enters) field is incremented, which is reflected in the smtx column in mpstat(1M); it is worth noting that this value does not reflect spin locks. If the adaptive lock is not being held, the lock is set by setting the kernel thread ID in the m_owner field of the mutex. Then the code returns. A held lock requires determining whether or not the lock owner is running, which is done by looping through the CPU structures and testing the lock m_owner against the cpu_thread field of the CPU structure (cpu_thread contains the kernel thread ID of the thread currently executing on the CPU). A match indicates the holder is running, which means the adaptive lock will spin. No match means the owner is not running, and the caller must then block. The kernel turnstile code is entered to locate or acquire a turnstile and place the kernel thread on a sleep queue associated with the turnstile.

The turnstile placement happens in two phases. After it is determined that the lock holder is not running, a turnstile call is made to look up the turnstile, and the waiters bit is set in m_owner (Solaris 7). In 2.5.1 and 2.6, the m_waiters field in the mutex is tested. If there are no waiters, a turnstile allocation function is called to get a turnstile. If waiters were already sleeping on the lock, a turnstile already exists, so a function is called to fetch the pointer to the existing turnstile. In all cases, we now have a turnstile for the lock and can proceed.

Another test is made to see if the owner is running. If the answer is yes, we release the turnstile and grab the lock; otherwise, place the kernel thread on a turnstile (sleep queue) and change the thread's state to sleep. It is here that the kernel addresses a potential problem known as priority inversion.

Priority inversion describes a scenario where a higher-priority thread is unable to run due to a lower-priority thread holding a resource it needs (for example, a lock). The Solaris kernel addresses the priority inversion problem in its turnstile implementation, providing a priority inheritance mechanism, where the higher-priority thread can will its priority to the lower-priority thread holding the resource it requires. The benefactor of the inheritance, the thread holding the resource, will now have a higher scheduling priority, and thus get scheduled to run sooner so it can finish its work and release the resource, at which point the thread is given its original priority back.

That effectively concludes the sequence of events in mutex_vector_enter() (and the equivalent functions in 2.5.1). When we drop out of that code, either the caller ended up with the lock it was attempting to acquire, or the calling thread is on a turnstile sleep queue associated with the lock. Once the turnstile code has completed, the kernel swtch() function is called, which is an entry point into the kernel dispatcher.

When a thread is done working in a lock-protected data area, it calls the mutex_exit() code to release the lock. The entry point is implemented in assembly language, and handles the simple case of adaptive lock with no waiters. With no threads waiting for the lock, it's a simple matter of clearing the lock fields (m_owner or m_owner_lock, depending on the OS release) and returning. In Solaris 2.5.1, mutex_exit() calls mutex_vector_exit() for spin locks or adaptive locks with waiters, which transfers control to either mutex_spin_exit() or mutex_adaptive_release(), depending on the lock type. In Solaris 2.6, it's the same basic flow, only mutex_vector_exit() deals with releasing spin locks, and mutex_adaptive_release() deals with adaptive locks with waiters. In Solaris 7, mutex_vector_exit() handles the all cases if the code drops out of the mutex_enter() assembly function.

Function name disparities between releases notwithstanding, along with differences in the turnstile structures and code, the work that needs to get done is the same. In the case of a spin lock, the lock field is cleared and the processor is returned back to the PIL level it was running at prior to entering the lock code. For adaptive locks, a waiter must be selected from the turnstile (if there is more than one), have its state changed from sleeping to runable, and be placed on a dispatch queue so it can execute and get the lock. If the thread releasing the lock was the benefactor of priority inheritance, meaning that it had its priority improved when a calling thread with a better priority was not able to get the lock, the thread releasing the lock will have its priority reset to what it was prior to the inheritance. In Solaris 2.5.1 and 2.6, the thread with the highest dispatch priority is selected for wakeup. If there are multiple threads at the same (highest) priority, the thread that has been sleeping longest is selected.

Solaris 7 behaves a little differently. When an adaptive lock is freed, the code clears the waiters' bits in m_owner() and calls the turnstile function to wake up all the waiters, not just one waiter, as is the case in 2.5.1 and 2.6. Readers familiar with operating systems' sleep/wakeup mechanisms have likely heard of a particular behavior known as the "thundering herd" problem, which is intended to describe a situation where many threads that have been blocking for the same resource are all woken up at the same time and make a mad dash for the resource (a mutex in this case).

System behavior tends to go from a relatively small run queue to a large run queue. This occurs because all the threads sleeping on the resource are awakened when the resource is freed. They're all made runable and appear on the run queue at the same time. The CPU utilization goes very high until one of the threads gets the resource, at which point the other threads must be put back on the sleep queue. The run queue will normalize, and CPU utilization will flatten out. This is a generic problem that can occur on any operating system.

The wakeup mechanism used when mutex_vector_exit() is called in Solaris 7 might seem like an open invitation to thundering herds, but in practice it doesn't turn out to be a problem. First and foremost, the blocking case for threads waiting for a mutex is rare -- most of the time the threads will spin. If a blocking situation does arise, it typically does not reach a point where there are very many threads blocked on the mutex. One of the characteristics of the thundering herd problem is resource contention resulting in a number of sleeping threads. The kernel code segments that implement mutex locks are short and fast, so locks are not held for very long. Code that requires longer lock hold times use a reader/writer write lock, which provides mutual exclusion semantics with a selective wakeup algorithm.

The rationale for changing the wakeup behavior in Solaris 7 resulted from exhaustive testing and a thorough examination of all possible options. When a lock is being freed with waiters, there are essentially three options. The first option involves choosing a waiting thread from the turnstile and giving it lock ownership before waking it, which is known as direct handoff of ownership. This approach has a huge drawback when there is even moderate lock contention, in that it defeats the logic of adaptive locks. If direct handoff is used, there is a window between the time the thread was given ownership and the time the new owner is running on a processor (it must go through a state change and get context switched on). If, during that window, other threads come along and try to get the lock, they'll enter the blocking code path because the "is the lock owner running?" test will fail. A lock with some contention will result in most threads taking the blocking path instead of the spin path.

The second option, free the lock and wake one waiter, (what 2.5.1 and 2.6 do), has a much more subtle complication, which is due to maintaining the integrity of the waiter's bit when there is more than one waiter. It has to do with the potential latency between the time a lock with multiple waiters is released and a new owner is selected (woken up) but not yet executed. The state of things is such that there are multiple waiters on the lock, but no owner; they no longer have anyone to will their priority to. This means that if another thread grabs the lock, it has to check in mutex_enter() to determine whether to start inheriting from the blocking chain for that lock.

The third option, wake up all the waiters, (what we do in Solaris 7), has the benefit of not having to preserve the waiter's bit. Because we're waking all the waiters, it can simply be cleared in one operation. And, as we discussed previously, it has been determined through extensive testing that the blocking case is relatively rare, which results in this behavior working quite well.

Statistical information on mutex locks is readily available, but not in 2.5.1. Releases 2.6 and 7 include a lockstat(1M) utility, which collects and displays information on mutex and reader/writer lock activity. lockstat(1M) is implemented with a pseudo device, /dev/lockstat, and associated pseudo device driver. The interfaces are not public, meaning there are no open, read, write, etc., calls into the lockstat driver. The lockstat(1M) manual page provides information on how to use lockstat(1M) and interpret the displayed data. There are several options available on which events to watch, which data collection methods (for example, statistics, stack tracing, etc.) to use, and on how to display data, so go through the man page carefully.

That's a wrap for this month. Next month, we'll take a look at reader/writer locks.

Jim Mauro About the author
Jim Mauro is currently an area technology manager for Sun Microsystems in the Northeast, focusing on server systems, clusters, and high availability. He has a total of 18 years of industry experience, working in educational services (he developed and delivered courses on Unix internals and administration) and software consulting.

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