The Third World War will be an information war
by Niall McKay
- Military hackers to wage bloodless Blitzkrieg on Internet.
(2,100 words)
GTE, Sun team to target telecommunications
by Rebecca Sykes
- Two to work together to sell GTE telecom management software.
(200 words)
PGP creator plans to encrypt hard disks, video, fax.
by Elinor Mills
- Zimmerman's PGP Inc. acquires marketer of PGP software.
(500 words)
Sun and NIC collaborate on intranet security
by Elinor Mills and Niall McKay
- Combined products will let system integrators build
WWW-based intranets.
(400 words)
Solaris solidarity
by Carolyn W.C. Wong
- Readers' opinions on Solaris tools and application availability,
CDE, Wabi, and more.
(1,250 words)
CIA worried about attacks on networks
by Elinor Mills
- A new center at the NSA may be formed.
(100 words)
Inet '96: Address sales scheme in the works
by Rob Guth
- IETF will create market for buying and selling of Internet addresses.
(300 words)
9,272 domain names disappear from 'Net
by Kristi Essick
- SAIC Network Solutions dumps delinquent URLs.
(200 words)
Lotus' Web strategy
by Sari Kalin
- Company sees Domino II as broadening Note's reach.
(800 words)
New products
- If it runs on, plugs into, or talks to
Sun/SPARC/Solaris, it's here, in the industry's
most comprehensive and timely new-product listing.
Have VLANs progressed?
by Frank Henderson and Dave Koehler
- Lack of standards and network management still problematic.
(2,600 words)
Anatomy of the Network Computer
by George Lawton
- Vendors pitch it as both an inexpensive Internet access device
for consumers and a serious desktop productivity terminal
for intranet use.
(2,300 words)
Performance analysis of client/server applications
by Uday O. Pabrai
- A step-by-step guide to troubleshoot application response problems
on Unix-based systems.
(4,600 words)
Sun Microelectronics: Creating a new era
by George Lawton
- Sun planet will grow microprocessor market with Java chips.
(2,400 words)
The SeOS security blanket
by Peter Galvin
- This product filters device & file access system calls and
scrutinizes them for malicious behavior.
(2,500 words)
An automounter and NFS potpourri
by Hal Stern.
- A third installment of automounter secrets
(3,300 words)
- Performance Q&A:
How can I optimize my programs for UltraSPARC?
by Adrian Cockcroft.
- Optimizing C and FORTRAN programs for UltraSPARC is easy, but
do you have to?
(3,200 words)
- Connectivity
What the intranet really means
by Rawn Shah.
- A new label for not-so-new hardware and software options
(1,700 words)
Borland takes the high road
by Bill Rosenblatt.
- What Borland's acquisition of Open Environment really means
(1,700 words)
Unix Enterprise:
Get your act together
by Harris Kern and Randy Johnson.
- Sell your users an Internal Support Agreement, but get your IT
house in order first
(700 words)
Career Advisor:
Dealing with non-technical headhunters
by Edgar Saadi.
- The rush to find Java programmers and Webmasters brings out
novice headhunters
(900 words)
Securing your Web server, Part 2
by Chuck Musciano.
- How to fine tune access to each directory on your server
(2,000 words)
Java Developer:
Has moved!
by Rinaldo DiGiorgio.
- Visit our sister publication JavaWorld to learn
everything you wanted to know about Java but were afraid to ask.