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Who's responsible for this online magazine?

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[Photo of Wong] Carolyn W. C. Wong Editor-in-Chief
Carolyn, formerly an editor at Open Computing, wrote feature stories and was responsible for that magazine's news section. She now collaborates on the editing of columns, features, and news articles for SunWorld.

[Photo of Franklin] Joe Franklin Editor
Joe came to SunWorld from The Inter-City Express, where he was the managing editor in charge of the newspaper's overall editorial production. For SunWorld, he edits columns and feature articles, and contributes pieces of his own.

[Photo of Aloi] Jenni Aloi Managing Editor
Before assuming the role of Managing Editor at Web Publishing Inc. Jenni spent 2 1/2 years editing for both SunWorld and JavaWorld. She spent the previous 5 years editing for Coriolis Group Books, a technical publisher based in Scottsdale, AZ.

[Photo of Fruhlinger] Josh Fruhlinger Copy Editor
After getting a master's degree in ancient Roman history from UC Berkeley, Josh was as surprised as anyone to find himself working in online publishing. He has been copy editing for SunWorld since May of 1999.

[Photo of Henry-Stocker] Sandra Henry-Stocker Chief WebMaster

[Photo of Leddy] Paul C. Leddy Deputy WebMaster

[Photo of Strolle] Carl Strolle Design & Production Manager
Carl was a production editor for Advanced Systems. His responsibilities now include everything from HTML coding to copy editing to creating cryptic icons.
PGP fingerprint = 9A 5E FA 03 56 69 4B 53 A6 BB E6 B2 FC B5 95 81

[Photo of Ajello] Laura Ajello Senior Production Coordinator

[Photo of Wilson] Anna Wilson Design & Production Assistant

[Photo of McDonald] Barbara McDonald Director of Marketing and Business Operations
Essential to keeping the well-oiled machine of SunWorld running efficiently, Barbara was the editorial assistant for Advanced Systems and then reprints manager. Prior to that she was Continuing Education Coordinator for IIABC.
PGP fingerprint = 9B DE 0F B4 0B 6D EA 91 F6 45 82 6E 37 D6 AB 87

[Photo of McCarthy] Michael McCarthy President
Michael was editor-in-chief of Advanced Systems magazine. He was the reviews editor of the trade newsweekly InfoWorld, and founding editor-in-chief of computer book publisher IDG Books Worldwide.
PGP fingerprint = C7 BB BF BC 8F CA 45 1B C1 A7 A4 C4 CB 8B F1 3B

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