Sun fires at the enterprise
by Cate T. Corcoran
- With high-bandwidth Ultra Enterprise servers, Sun sets
its sights on mainframes, HP, and IBM.
(2,100 words)
Networld+Interop: Internet wares galore
by George Lawton, Elizabeth Heichler, and Elinor Mills
- A comprehensive recap of Interop product and service announcements
from Sun, Tivoli, US West, Cabletron, and many others.
(4,000 words)
Plus two sidebars:
Behind-the-scenes with Debbie Reynolds
(500 words) and
Interop show floor talent (700 words)
Sun's spring fling
by Cate T. Corcoran
- Java WorkShop beta debuts, and
Sun also releases UltraSPARC-powered Netras, Java middleware,
Intranet-related services, and new e-mail server software
(2,200 words)
An analyst's view: Netra competitors not blind to its success
by Jean S. Bozman
- HP and IBM girding to battle Sun for hearts
and minds of
intranet server buyers
(1,200 words)
What's ahead for Solaris
by Carolyn W.C. Wong
- Steve MacKay predicts fewer `dot' releases, more specialized
OS versions
(500 words)
Networking czar sees Internet toll road ahead
by Mark Cappel
- Sun leery of S/WAN effort, many users adopting switched-Ethernet
routers quickly
(500 words)
Microsoft & Sun conclude Java deal
by Erica Liederman
- Java is key component to object-oriented effort named `Jakarta'
(600 words)
NT's on tap
by Carolyn W.C. Wong
- Windows NT is finding its way into survey respondents' organizations
(1,100 words)
reader comments
(16,200 words)
Software Development '96: Java is this year's hot ticket
by Elinor Mills
- Developers gather to learn as much as possible about Java...and other
news from the show
(1,700 words)
New products
- If it runs on, plugs into, or talks to Sun/SPARC/Solaris,
it's here, in the industry's most comprehensive and timely
new-product listing.
Spinning the internal Web
by Barry D. Bowen and Carolyn W.C. Wong
- As corporations discover the savings in internal Web sites, they are
also discovering the need for careful planning.
(3,000 words)
Next Generation Computing: Distributed
Objects for Business
by Peter Fingar, Dennis Read, and Jim Stikeleather
- Object-oriented technology explained for business
and IT professionals responsible for planning,
designing, constructing, and maintaining enterprise information systems.
(13,700 words) Includes an amazing, 6,300-word
glossary of object-oriented terminology.
JavaSoft wrestles with success
by Erica Liederman
- Sun's newest company scrambles to hire staff, switch locations,
release products, cut deals, and create a business plan.
(2,500 words)
Web server wiles, Part 1
by Peter Galvin and Hal Pomeranz
- Secure your Solaris Web server from the perils of the Void
(3,900 words)
Time bombs
by Hal Stern.
- Setting, adjusting, and maintaining synchronized clocks on a network
(3,300 words)
- Performance Q&A:
How does swap space work?
by Adrian Cockcroft.
- Too much swap space and you waste disk space. Too little swap and your
system will grind to a halt.
(2,800 words)
Will we still buy PCs in 1998?
by Rawn Shah.
- The `Internet Toaster' may render personal computers
(2,700 words)
Commercial Web tools: the stampede begins
by Bill Rosenblatt.
- Bluestone and Spider Technologies create commercial client/server
tools for the Web
(2,100 words)
Unix Enterprise:
Harris & Randy's First Annual Survey
by Harris Kern and Randy Johnson.
- We've been preaching the New IT gospel for two years.
Now it's our turn to listen.
(1,400 words)
Career Advisor:
Start-Up Fever
by Edgar Saadi.
- There's an up side, and a down side. Know both.
(1,300 words)
What browser are you designing for?
by Chuck Musciano.
- Tuning your server's content for a particular
browser need not be a guessing game
(1,900 words)
Java Developer:
Has moved!
by Rinaldo DiGiorgio.
- Visit our sister publication JavaWorld to learn
everything you wanted to know about Java but were afraid to ask.