- Putting Perl together
by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz
- 10 common Perl architectures and how to use them.
(3,600 words)
- The Intelligent Storage Network: Sun's latest pursuit
by Rick Cook
- Building on its Java and Encore Computer Corp. technologies, Sun makes a big play for distributed storage.
(2,500 words)
- When disaster hits will you be ready?
by Chuck Musciano
- A little planning can make disaster recovery easier with Unix than on the mainframe.
(2,700 words)
- Ready, SET... wait
by Kristi Essick, Torsten Busse, and Rob Guth
- Why is the Secure Electronic Transaction protocol taking so long to get off the ground?
(2,100 words)
Top news stories
Baratz gives Microsoft strategy lesson
by Robert McMillan
- Sun's Java software president says Microsoft could have done a better job of corrupting Java.
(600 words)
Microsoft to support basic Unix services with NT add-on pack
by Stephanie Steenbergen
- Will it help or hurt Unix?
(600 words)
Sun expands beta testing for its 64-bit operating environment
by Stephanie Steenbergen
- New version set for September release.
(600 words)
Tivoli announces strengthened ties to Compaq, Sun
by Marc Ferranti
- Companies want to make life easier for systems administrators.
(400 words)
Sun asks court to block Windows 98 with Java incompatibilities
by Marc Ferranti
- Java to ship in Windows 98 called "tainted code."
(650 words)
Sun's new Darwin: How's it faring?
by Stephanie Steenbergen
- Sun drops prices on its low-cost line.
(600 words)
NCI turns two -- where's the company headed now?
by Stephanie Steenbergen
- Sub-$1,000 PCs and executive turnover spell changes for Larry Ellison's start-up.
(1,500 words)
Sun claims ownership of midrange server space
by Rebecca Sykes and Mary Lisbeth D'Amico
- Announces new Ultra Enterprise servers, new partnerships with ERP vendors.
(1,000 words)
- Career Advisor:
What to do when your boss keeps you waiting for your raise
by Edgar Saadi
- Also, now that you've been given the honor of starting a new team, what's the best way to go about the hiring process?
- IT Architect:
The anatomy of the virtual corporation
by Glenn Kimball
- There's a lot to consider when you're aligning business models with technology.
(3,100 words)
Bill's Bookshelf:
Michael Dertouzos tells us what will be
by Bill Rosenblatt
- MIT computer science guru lays out his vision of the future. (2,200 words)
- Readers Speak Out: Letters to the Editor
- Solaris internals steal the show this month. Find out about Solaris doors, the swap system, and freeing kernel locks. Readers also comment on the next Internet and April's IT Architect.
More news
Eye on the competition: Up-to-the-minute news on Sun's rivals
by IDG News Service staff
- HP's e-commerce strategy promises quality of service. IBM launches network security software. SCO upgrades Tarantella; HP licenses HP-UX to Hitachi, NEC, and Stratus.
(4 stories posted)
PC company, Compaq, faces challenge in Digital acquisition
by Marc Ferranti
- CEO Pfeiffer outlines role of Compaq's Unix at CA-World.
(800 words)
SunSpots: The latest tidbits on Sun deals and product news
by IDG News Service staff
- Sun signs pact to push Java in Singapore. Sun, TCI expand deal for Java, set-top box. Sun, IBM partner on decision support.
(3 stories posted)
The Internet Files: news on the latest Internet standards and struggles
by IDG News Service staff
- Clinton takes steps to guard U.S. against cyberattacks. White House announces Internet privacy plan. U.K.'s long-awaited encryption plan leaves questions unanswered.
(3 stories posted)
SunWorld's Net News Central
compiled by Craig Knudsen
- Your quick resource for Sun-related headlines on the World Wide Web -- including links to full-length articles.
- New products
- If it runs on, plugs into, or talks to Sun, SPARC, or Solaris, it's here in the industry's most comprehensive and timely new product listing.
Moving to a new standard -- HTML gets a makeover, part 2
by Chuck Musciano
- HTML 4.0 forms play catch-up with their flashier alternatives.
(2,000 words)
Inside Solaris:
Fiddling around with files, part 4
by Jim Mauro
- File flags, file structure, vnode, and inode...the file fun continues!
(3,000 words)
Security: Pete's Wicked World --
Web server wiles '98, part 1
by Peter Galvin and Carole Fennelly
- Worried about your Web server? We show you how to secure it using a padded cell.
(3,000 words)
Performance Q&A:
Processor partitioning
by Adrian Cockcroft
- How to keep one workload from hogging your CPU.
(1,500 words)
- Connectivity:
Wireless LANs finally make their way to standardization
by Rawn Shah
- How does this new IEEE wireless LAN standard (802.11) really work?
(2,300 words)
- Unix 101:
Small fry Unix commands can get the job done
by Mo Budlong
- A look at
tail and date .
(1,700 words)