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Reader Survey
December  1995
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Tell us about your browsing habits

To better serve you, we' like to know more about your choice of browsers and under what circumstances you use them. Please answer the following questions then select Submit Form.

  1. The Web browser I use most often at my place of business is:
    Mosaic (including derivatives)
    IBM Web Explorer
    Microsoft Explorer
    I don't use a Web browser at work

  2. Our Internet connection at my place of business is:
    T3 T1 ISDN or switched-56
    19.2 to 28.8 Kbps Less than 19.2 Kbps I don't know
    Web browsing is not allowed at my place of business

  3. How much time do you spend browsing the Web in an average week at your place of business?
    Ten hours or more per week
    Seven to nine hours
    Four to six hours
    One to three hours
    Less than an hour per week

  4. The Web browser I use most often at home is:
    Mosaic (including licensed derivatives)
    IBM Web Explorer
    Microsoft Explorer
    I don't use a Web browser at home

  5. How much time do you spend browsing the Web in an average week at home?
    Ten hours or more per week
    Seven to nine hours
    Four to six hours
    One to three hours
    Less than an hour per week

  6. My Internet connection at home is:
    T1 ISDN or switched-56
    19.2 to 28.8 Kbps Less than 19.2 Kbps
    I don't browse from home

  7. How do you reach the Web from home?
    I don't
    Internet Service Provider (i.e., Netcom, Pipeline, UUNET, PSI, etc.)
    Online service (i.e., CompuServe, AOL, Prodigy, etc.)
    I dial into my place of business

  8. How big is the size of your screen you use to browse the Web at your place of business? (diagonal measure)
    20 inches or better 17-19 inches
    15-16 inches 14 inches or less
    I don't browse the Web at work

  9. How big is the size of your screen you use to browse the Web at home? (diagonal measure)
    20 inches or better 17-19 inches
    15-16 inches 14 inches or less
    I don't browse the Web at home

  10. I read SunWorld Online:
    At work exclusively
    Mostly at work
    Half at work, half elsewhere
    Mostly at home
    At home exclusively

  11. How many stories do you read when visiting this magazine?
    One story 2 or 3 stories
    4 or 5 stories More than 5 stories

  12. How much of SunWorld Online do you print for later reading?
    Three or more stories per month
    One or two stories per month
    Rarely print stories

  13. What types of stories do you print?
    I don't Feature stories Columns
    News Other

If you have problems with this magazine, contact

Last updated: 1 December 1995

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What did you think of this article?
-Very worth reading
-Worth reading
-Not worth reading
-Too long
-Just right
-Too short
-Too technical
-Just right
-Not technical enough

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