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New products for the week of January 8

By John J. McLaughlin, FlashBack, Inc.

January  1997
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Product: Fibre Box - Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) storage system
Company: Box Hill Systems Corporation (Soho, NY)
Telephone: (212) 989-4455
Fax: (212) 989-6817
Description: Provides data transfer rates 10 times faster than SCSI. Hot-swappable, dual Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) storage system with RAID fault-tolerance; offers capacities of up to 72 GB per enclosure, using eight, 9 GB Fibre Channel drives. Storage for up to 1,125 GB is obtainable by daisy-chaining enclosures, for a total of up to 125 drives for each dual FC-AL system. Accelerates applications requiring fast storage I/O. Improved performance for mission-critical database applications, multimedia imaging programs and Internet and Web server programs. Capable of data transfer rates of 200 MB per second and transmission distances from 30 meters to 10 kilometers. Hot-swapping of all active components, including drives, power supplies, and fans. System status indicators are located on the front panel, along with ID switches and an optional security key-lock bar. Assures data integrity and availability by supporting multiple RAID levels.

Product: Fibre Channel product line - Gigabit Server-Storage Networking Products
Company: Gadzoox Microsystems, Inc. (Los Gatos, CA)
Telephone: (888) 423-3222, (408) 399-4858
Fax: (408) 399-4870
Description: A new line of gigabit speed server-storage networking products based on the Fibre Channel technology. Applications include server and storage connectivity, video editing, and image processing. Fibre Channel is an open-standard, gigabit speed connectivity technology that supports both serial SCSI and IP. Its high bandwidth and extended connectivity make it appropriate for data intensive video, OLTP, imaging, and web serving applications.

Product: NetFortress - Intranet security solution
Company: Digital Secured Networks Technology, Inc. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ)
Telephone: (201) 568-3232
Fax: (201) 568-3131
Description: New release has automated policing capabilities, increased speed, and improved protection, including automated firewall capabilities. This automated hardware solution automatically seals off all unwanted communications to a corporate LAN while encrypting and authenticating authorized communications to other protected hosts. Scrambled streams of data are generated with complete transparency to users and administrators, and with no cost to network performance. New features: Some built in firewall functionality; allows users to surf the Web or e-mail outside an intranet to non-protected hosts. Encryption/decryption integrity checking; ensures data integrity in transit and proper encryption and decryption of messages. Throughput speed increased to 2.5 times T1 speed; product uses a new Pentium board for faster processing.

Product: SPARCbook Server - mobile server for RISC/UNIX ($13,495 to $17,995)
Company: Tadpole Technology (Austin, TX)
Telephone: (512) 219-2200
Platforms: PC and Macintosh notebook computers
Description: A lightweight server for taking server applications on the road, for demonstrations or for short-term application deployment. Weighs 6.5 pounds and comes in a rugged magnesium alloy case. For application developers, integrators and resellers, it simplifies the job of taking applications to customers, enabling more demonstrations in more locations in less time. Because the hard drive is removable, different configurations can be carried separately on extra hard drives that can be changed in a matter of seconds, eliminating time-consuming reconfiguration and securing the data. There is no need to reboot between sessions, which can be saved to disk and resumed the next time the system is turned on. Performance is equivalent to a SPARCstation 5 and is powered by a 110 MHz microSPARC II processor, providing ample power to demonstrate server applications. Memory is upgradeable from 32 MB to 128 MB, the internal SCSI hard drive has a capacity of 1.2 GB, and the built-in SCSI interface simplifies the addition of external storage. Paired with either a PC or Macintosh notebook, the server creates a complete mobile demonstration environment for client-server and database applications.


Product: ACSL Optimize - simulation, analysis, and visualization tools for chemical ($12,000 for PC systems, $15,000 for UNIX)
Company: MGA Software Inc. (Concord, MA)
Telephone: (800) 647-ACSL
Fax: (508) 369-0013
Platforms: PC and UNIX systems
Description: Software for chemical kinetic simulations. Targeted at chemical industry R&D applications, it performs parameter estimation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis on analytical chemistry applications from models of chemical reactors to toxicology and environmental simulations. Based on ACSL (Advanced Continuous Simulation Language), an industry standard for modelling nonlinear, continuous systems. Chemical engineers can design chemical processes that have higher yields, lower costs, and use resources efficiently. Toxicologists can estimate model parameters that are difficult or impossible to create in the lab. Performs highly complex analysis, visualization and post-processing of large amounts of data. Provides three functions that are critical to the chemical industry: parameter estimation, optimization, and sensitivity analysis. The parameter estimation module enables engineers to test a nonlinear model against experimental data or to estimate model parameters that are difficult or impossible to measure directly. The optimization module automatically varies the parameters of a nonlinear model to find maximum or minimum values, allowing the user to choose the most appropriate optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms. The sensitivity analysis module identifies the variables that truly drive the model, letting the user focus on the ones with the most impact. Over 300 mathematical commands perform analysis ranging from sophisticated matrix operations to surface renderings.

Product: ADEPT 6.0 - SGML-based authoring and publishing tools
Company: ArborText, Inc. (Ann Arbor, MI)
Telephone: (313) 997-0200
Fax: (313) 997-0201
Platforms: SunOS 4.1.3, Solaris 2.4, 2.5; H-P 9000/700; HP-UX 9.0.3,
Description: New series for UNIX includes improvements to Editor and Publisher functions, including simplified menus, a toolbar with tips, support for multiple open files, document comparison capabilities, and improved screen formatting of printed documents. It supports new graphic types, including CGM, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PCX, BMP, and CALS G4. Previews and prints graphics in full color. Supports Sun bitmap, X11 bitmap, Sun icon files, IslandDraw DRW, TIFF 5, and PCL graphic types. New menu structure and keyboard commands are enhanced versions of the Windows 5.4.1 version. Supports standardized entity catalogs and tables. Supports a new industry standard for exchanging entity catalogs (which map external identifiers and entity names to file names). The standard was developed by SGML Open, the industry consortium, so that an SGML document can be processed by different vendors' tools. It also supports the table model adopted by SGML Open as the standard data format for interchanging tables between compliant applications; this format is a modified version of the CALS table model. The new release converts tables based on previous table models and allows the user to override conversion to continue to use existing tables as is. Supports redundant license servers; a utility compares two SGML documents, creating a third document showing the first document with the "adds" and "deletes" that would be necessary to change it to match the second document.

Product: Acrobat 3.0 - Creates Web-ready documents ($295)
Company: Adobe Systems Incorporated (San Jose, CA)
Telephone: (800) 272-3623
Platforms: Macintosh, Windows, SGI IRIX, SunOS, Sun Solaris, HP-UX,
Description: Software for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms creates documents for distribution on the World Wide Web, corporate intranets and CD-ROM. New features enhance its integration and performance on the Web, using the Internet to distribute documents and provide access to critical information. Any document can be prepared for distribution through a process as simple as printing. Both paper documents and those created with standard desktop authoring tools, such as word processors, presentation packages and page layout tools, can be turned into Portable Document Format (PDF) files and posted onto the Web. As a result, users can distribute information through external Web sites or corporate intranets without learning new tools or spending additional time and resources reauthoring documents into new formats. Optimizes PDF files for browsing, serving and searching on the Internet; they can be accessed from Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. New features include: integration with popular Web browsers through support of the Netscape Plug-in API and ActiveX controls; improved performance through enhanced compression options and page-at-a-time downloading capabilities; support for full-text searching of PDF files through integration with third-party searching solutions; and a built-in ability to scan and OCR paper documents into Web-ready PDF files.

Product: Apex Ada 95/83 v2.2 - software development environment ($22,000)
Company: Rational Software Corporation (Santa Clara, CA)
Telephone: (408) 496-3600, (800) RAT-1212
Fax: (408) 496-3636
Platforms: DEC, Sun, H-P, IBM, SGI
Description: A software development environment for native and embedded-systems development. Includes an optimizing Ada compiler with recompilation technology to reduce the edit-compile-debug cycle. Offers syntactic and semantic completion of programs, hypertext program navigation and browsing capabilities, and customizable, automatic code-rule checking and enforcement. Provides support for team-oriented development, even when teams are geographically distributed, through configuration management and version control (CMVC). Lifecycle environment includes Objectory Process; Rose/Ada for visual modeling, automatic generation of Ada source code, and reverse-engineering of existing Ada source code back to a visual model of the system; Summit for integrated software task and change management; TestMate for testing and coverage analysis; and SoDA for generation of software and project documentation. Provides extensive support for embedded systems development, optimizing cross compilers, graphical symbolic debuggers, cross linkers, assemblers, instruction set simulators, a user configurable Ada runtime system, user configurable board support packages, an all-Ada TCP/IP for Ethernet, an all-Ada hardened filesystem, object module converters, debugger emulator support, performance analysis tools, and testing tools.

Product: DataBlade modules - extend relational databases for new data types
Company: Informix Software, Inc. (Menlo Park, CA)
Telephone: (415) 926-6054
Platforms: INFORMIX-Universal Server
Description: New modules are available for the INFORMIX-Universal Server, developed for several market areas and technologies. This technology is an industry-standard approach to extending the functionality of a database. Users can either create new applications or extend the functionality of existing applications with plug-in modules. For example, new modules are available this month for the following categories: Data Warehousing/Financial; Digital Media; Mapping and Spatial; Text/Document Management; and Web/Electronic Commerce.

Product: Fire & Ice and Thunder & Lightning - Full-Chip Signal and Power Compliance Suite ($150,000)
Company: Simplex Solutions, Inc. (San Jose, CA)
Telephone: (408) 432-8260
Fax: (408) 432-8262
Platforms: UNIX workstations from Sun, H-P, and IBM
Description: An integrated suite of IC layout verification products for the electronic design automation (EDA) industry. Supports signal and power compliance (SPC) of multi-million transistor chips in deep submicron semiconductor process technology. Enables designers of complex ICs, ASICs, and ASSPs to adopt an SPC methodology that ensures working silicon prior to manufacturing. IC designers are using this product to gain visibility into difficult problems with signal integrity (SI) and IR drop. Features a full-chip display mode that combines fast problem observation with the capability to scope in and make corrections. The resulting full-chip visibility gives designers insight into both the regional and global effects of SI and IR drop, and allows them to minimize the overall impact on chip timing and performance.

Product: INTERSHOP Online - Internet shopping software ($4,999 for Windows NT and $7,999 for UNIX)
Company: NetConsult Communications (Burlingame, CA)
Telephone: (800) 736-5197, (415) 373-1530
Platforms: Windows NT, DEC Alpha, UNIX, SOLARIS, HP-UX
Description: Saves merchants time and money in designing and deploying interactive electronic commerce storefronts. Uses Java, a Sybase SQL database server, CyberCash secure Internet payment technology and inventory tracking capabilities. Gives merchants inventory tracking control and statistical analysis of store operations. Consumer operation steps and store management can be carried out with Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft's Internet Explorer or any HTML3 browser. The database server and Web server can be installed on separate computers. Includes a server kernel, a high-quality relational client-server database system (Sybase SQL Server 11), secure Internet payment services, and the necessary administration tools and documentation.

Product: JIT compiler and JIT Validation Test Suite - Java development tools
Company: Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
Telephone: (800) SUN-SOFT
Platforms: Solaris 2.5 and Solaris 2.5.1
Description: Two Java Just-In-Time (JIT) development technologies: a JIT compiler and a JIT Validation Test Suite. JIT technology increases the speed of Java applications by translating byte code to native machine code, allowing applications to run faster than programs without JIT. Performance increases of up to 50 times have been observed, with improvements highest for long-running, compute-intensive programs such as those used for engineering or scientific work. Benchmark tests, including Pendragon Software's CaffeineMark, show that Java applications deployed with JIT technology increased performance 50 times over non-JIT environments. The JIT Validation Test Suite is a set of comprehensive tests critical in assuring that code from the JIT compiler is not compromised in quality.

Product: JavaBeans Development Kit - Enables the development of Java-based components (free beta D/L)
Company: JavaSoft (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) (Cupertino, CA)
Telephone: (800) SUN-SOFT
Platforms: COM/ActiveX, OpenDoc, and Netscape's LiveConnect
Description: Enables developers to build Java-based components. Uses a compact component architecture that enables developers to write re-usable components once and then run them anywhere. Compliant with the Java Developer Kit (JDKTM) 1.1 beta. Includes: a reference implementation of the JavaBeans API, including the component architecture and bridges to other component architectures; "BeanBox," a reference text container which allows developers to test the JavaBeans they develop. It also serves as an example of a JavaBeans container; 12 sample JavaBeans that can run in the BeanBox and demonstrate various JavaBeans behavior; and early documentation, including reference source code and tutorial information.

Product: Macintosh Application Environment (MAE) 3.0 - Mac OS operating system for Unix-based workstations ($459)
Company: Apple Computer Inc. (Cupertino, CA)
Telephone: (408) 974-5430
Platforms: HP-UX 9.0.x, HP-UX 10.10, Solaris 2.4
Description: Enables users of Sun and Hewlett-Packard Unix workstations to run off-the-shelf Macintosh applications. Also adds new features such as floating licenses, System 7.5.3 support, and security options. Provides a Macintosh environment in an additional window, using 68LC040 emulation and native extensions. Runs off-the-shelf Mac OS-compatible business productivity applications. Provides interoperability with other Mac OS-based systems, while manipulating Unix files and executing Unix applications from within a Macintosh environment. Users can also copy and paste text and graphics between Unix and Mac OS-compatible applications. Enhanced emulator performance yields improvements over the previous version.

Product: OnNet32 v 2.0 - TCP/IP connectivity suite
Company: FTP Software (Andover, MA)
Telephone: (508) 685-3300
Platforms: Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
Description: Provides standards-based technologies for IP networking in both the application and protocol stack areas. TCP/IP suite supports IPv6, WinSock 2.0, IPSECurity standards and Virtual Private Network security standards, and it allows network administrators to centrally install, configure and manage a TCP/IP infrastructure. Provides a suite of applications designed to reach and share information on corporate intranets, the Internet and across legacy systems. Uses a 32-bit multi-tasking, multi-threaded architecture for performance and manageability.

Product: PictureTalk Java and X.11 clients; Conference Server - visual communication software
Company: PictureTalk, Inc. (Pleasanton, CA)
Telephone: (510) 467-5300
Fax: (510) 467-5310
Platforms: Windows, Macintosh, Java, Unix/X.11
Description: The addition of Java and X.11 clients further extends this cross-platform, real-time communication product. Communicator software allows PC, Macintosh, Network Computer (NC), and Unix workstations to share information visually and interact in real time. Conference Server version 1.3 also has new client support. The software allows users on PCs, Macintoshes, or workstations to present their desktops to other users via corporate intranets or the Internet. It conveys desktop imagery live, continuously adapting compression rates and formats to suit the performance of each system and the network. It provides a way to provide lossless imagery of any desktop data -- text documents, graphics, slides, animation -- to other users on TCP/IP networks in real time. Devices such as Sun's JavaStation and other network computers (NC's) are also supported. Conference Server release 1.3 software now has enhanced meeting management controls and audit trail capabilities. Meeting moderator controls provide the ability to determine which users can present, chat, turn on pointers, or view profiles of other users. This improves manageability, scalability, and security for very large meetings such as corporate broadcasts, training sessions, and events. The audit trail additions allow better resource management and provide an interface to automated billing and authentication systems.

Product: Rendezvous - whiteboard conferencing on Internet or corporate intranets ($995 for 10 simultaneous clients)
Company: VisualTek Solutions Inc. (Fremont, CA)
Telephone: (510) 353-0952
Fax: (510) 353-0954
Platforms: Windows NT, Windows 95, Solaris, Irix, AIX, HP-UX, OSF,
Description: A Java-based solution designed for client/server whiteboard conferencing over the Internet and within corporate intranets. Lets users collaborate with associates anywhere in the world. Its client/server design makes it suited for whiteboard conferencing with standard Web browsers or Network Computers (NC) such as the JavaStation. Can be used by corporate intranets, Internet Service Providers, and distance learning universities. Also supports simultaneous chat sessions, drawing on a common canvas, file and document exchange among conference participants, and screen image sharing. Product consists of client software and the server. Clients can run with Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer as well as Marimba's Castanet. Native clients do not require a Web browser and can run on Windows and UNIX platforms. The server is designed to support an unlimited number of connections and channels with each channel being capable of handling an unlimited number of participants.

Product: Smart Delivery - notifies users of new or changed information ($3,350)
Company: FirstFloor, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
Telephone: (415) 968-1101
Fax: (415) 254-1193
Platforms: Solaris 2.5, Windows NT 3.51
Description: An information delivery system that uses programmable agents and off-line browsing technology to notify users of new or changed information. An Application Development Kit (ADK) provides developers with tools to integrate the system with popular business applications. The result is an end-user solution to notify users and deliver new or changed information directly to their desktops. In a corporate setting, "information architects" or administrators can organize and distribute documents, Web pages, data, and other information to corporate users. The Smart Delivery line of products includes the Smart Publisher, Smart Server, Smart Subscriber, and Smart Bookmarks.

Product: SoftNC Technology - access native, legacy and Java apps from anywhere on a network
Company: TriTeal Corporation (Carlsbad, CA)
Telephone: (800) 755-TEAL
Platforms: Windows NT, 95, NC, Solaris
Description: A Java-based desktop environment that enables users to access native, legacy and Java applications from virtually anywhere on an enterprise network. Users can run the same applications from a personal computer, workstation or NC, in the desktop environment they already know. Enterprises can configure a cross-platform desktop that will follow users throughout the organization. Using an e-mail address, a desktop URL or a smart card, users can log on to any SoftNC-equipped device and have their personal desktop delivered to them regardless of the operating system or hardware platform at which they are sitting. The file management, session management, and desktop look and feel can be the same as those users already know, and they are equipped to access applications from any other platform that supports a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Product: StarWorks 3.0 - video networking software
Company: Starlight Networks (Mountain View, CA)
Telephone: (415) 967-2774
Fax: (415) 967-0686
Platforms: Windows 95, 3.1, Workgroups, Macintosh and UNIX
Description: Video networking software for recording and playback of video streams on Solaris networks at speeds up to 200 Mbps. Enables users on corporate networks to share and access mixed media applications, including training videos, custom content and mandated certification courses, directly from their desktops. An open architecture and standards-based approach provides high resolution video and audio streams to simultaneous LAN users with no disruption to other traffic or applications. Product is not dependent on specific video formats, so users can easily incorporate it into existing network environments. Supports SPARC/Solaris SMP servers running Solaris 2.5.1, providing new 100 Mbps and 200 Mbps aggregate streaming configurations. Individual servers can store up to 250 Gb of multimedia data. Product provides stream-specific management and controls, allowing the streaming media to co-exist safely with traditional applications and data types on corporate servers and networks. Client software controls delivery of the streams through standard browser plug-ins, including Netscape and Internet Explorer.

Product: WebNOT - firewall-integrated, Internet access management utility ($1,400 for 1-50 licenses)
Company: Raptor Systems, Inc. (Waltham, MA)
Telephone: (800) 9-EAGLE-6, (617) 487-7700
Fax: (617) 487-6755
Platforms: Sun Solaris
Description: A firewall-integrated, server-based Internet access management utility which helps business, educational and government organizations manage user access across the Internet. Enables network administrators to implement URL blocking to augment secure business practices while increasing employee productivity. Access can be restricted in a variety of ways: limited to certain times of day; limited by user per day and per week; and/or specific Internet sites can be blocked based on questionable content. In an educational environment, it protects educators and students by controlling students' access to the Internet. Centrally configured for consistent central policy management. URL request activity is recorded in an event logfile. Product comes loaded with a block list; a subscription list of blockable sites is updated every six days. The list, which can be modified based on management preferences, currently includes over 9,000 web sites, including the following categories: violence/profanity; partial nudity; full nudity; sexual acts; gross depictions; intolerance; Satanic/cult; drugs/drug culture; sex education, questionable/illegal and gambling; militant/extremist, alcohol and tobacco. All URL access profiles are defined through a graphic management interface.

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Last updated: 01 January 1997

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