HostCHECK for Unix version 2.0 from DMW Worldwide (Host-based security assessment)
Platforms: Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX
Price: $395 per host
Host-based security assessment tool that addresses many different aspects of internal enterprise security. HostCHECK is designed to offset the increase in internal computer crime from current or former employees, vulnerabilities that exist within the operating system, as well as unintentional security breaches. The tool is part of DMW's family of adaptive e-business solutions that help companies leverage the power of advanced networks in order to conduct business and deliver service online in a secure environment.

HostCHECK was designed to give companies the option of performing security assessments on a regular basis without relying on a third party. Most importantly, HostCHECK was developed with e-business in mind.

DMW's vulnerability database exposes close to 2000 vulnerabilities. ersion 2.0 features six tools and six utilities to assess and maintain security in the network. Together these tools and utilities determine the weaknesses of each system, giving the users the ability to evaluate, assess, improve, correct, manage, and maintain security.

- Evaluate -- The Configuration Check module automatically detects system characteristics, allowing HostCHECK to correctly configure itself on the installed platform. It identifies files considered critical to their security configuration of the computer or files that, if tampered with, can be used for penetration purposes.

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