The 64-bit processor supports five 32-bit PCI devices at 33 MHz to provide plenty of system flexibility. An additional 64-bit UPA slot is designed for vertical add-ons such as Creator graphics cards. While incorporating the PCI I/O bus to offer users access to a host of peripherals, the COMPstation U10-333 also maintains full binary compatibility with the application software customers now use with their existing, Sbus-based SPARC systems. No application changes are required in order for customers to continue to use the thousands of software programs available for the SPARC platform.
The COMPstation U10-333 features five drive bays that can be fitted with two, standard 3-1/2" hard drives; a 5-1/4" CD-ROM drive; a 4- or 8mm tape drive; and an additional 5-1/4" slot for another peripheral or a 3-1/2" floppy drive. Standard features consist of 64 MB of RAM; 4 GB hard drive; a PCI graphics card; a 64-bit slot for Creator graphics cards; dual-channel Ultra- Wide SCSI built into the motherboard; two serial ports; one parallel port; and a 10/100-BaseT Ethernet interface. The system comes with Solaris 2.6 pre-installed.