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Class java.awt.Container
- public abstract class Container
- extends Component
A generic Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT) container object is a component
that can contain other AWT components.
Components added to a container are tracked in a list. The order
of the list will define the components' front-to-back stacking order
within the container. If no index is specified when adding a
component to a container, it will be added to the end of the list
(and hence to the bottom of the stacking order).
- Constructs a new Container.
Adds the specified component to this container.
add(Component, int)
Adds the specified component to this container at the given
position in the container's component list.
add(Component, Object)
- Adds the specified component to this container at the specified
add(Component, Object, int)
- Adds the specified component to this container with the specified
constraints at the specified index.
add(String, Component)
- Adds the specified component to this container.
- Adds the specified container listener to receive container events
from this container.
addImpl(Component, Object, int)
- Adds the specified component to this container at the specified
Notifies the container to create a peer.
Does a layout on this Container.
- Returns the alignment along the x axis.
- Returns the alignment along the y axis.
Gets the nth component in this container.
getComponentAt(int, int)
- Locates the component that contains the x,y position.
- Locates the component that contains the specified point.
Returns the number of components in this panel.
- Gets all the components in this container.
- Returns the insets of the container.
Gets the layout manager for this container.
Returns the maximum size of this container.
Returns the minimum size of this container.
Returns the preferred size of this container.
Invalidates the container.
- Checks if the component is contained in the component hierarchy of
this container.
list(PrintStream, int)
- Prints out a list, starting at the specified indention, to the specified
out stream.
list(PrintWriter, int)
- Prints out a list, starting at the specified indention, to the specified
print writer.
locate(int, int)
Paints the container.
Paints the components in this container.
- Returns the parameter String of this Container.
Prints the container.
Prints the components in this container.
Processes container events occurring on this container by
dispatching them to any registered ContainerListener objects.
- Processes events on this container.
Removes the specified component from this container.
Removes the component at the specified index from this container.
Removes all the components from this container.
- Removes the specified container listener so it no longer receives
container events from this container.
Notifies the container to remove its peer.
Sets the layout manager for this container.
Validates this Container and all of the components contained
within it.
- Recursively descends the container tree and recomputes the
layout for any subtrees marked as needing it (those marked as
protected Container()
- Constructs a new Container. Containers can be extended directly,
but are lightweight in this case and must be contained by a parent
somewhere higher up in the component tree that is native.
(such as Frame for example).
public int getComponentCount()
- Returns the number of components in this panel.
- See Also:
- getComponent
public int countComponents()
- Note: countComponents() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by getComponentCount().
public Component getComponent(int n)
- Gets the nth component in this container.
- Parameters:
- n - the number of the component to get
- Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- If the nth value does not
public Component[] getComponents()
- Gets all the components in this container.
public Insets getInsets()
- Returns the insets of the container. The insets indicate the size of
the border of the container. A Frame, for example, will have a top inset
that corresponds to the height of the Frame's title bar.
- See Also:
- LayoutManager
public Insets insets()
- Note: insets() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by getInsets().
public Component add(Component comp)
- Adds the specified component to this container.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be added
public Component add(String name,
Component comp)
- Adds the specified component to this container.
It is strongly advised to use the 1.1 method, add(Component, Object),
in place of this method.
public Component add(Component comp,
int index)
- Adds the specified component to this container at the given
position in the container's component list.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be added
- index - the position in the container's list at which to
insert the component. -1 means insert at the end.
- See Also:
- remove
public void add(Component comp,
Object constraints)
- Adds the specified component to this container at the specified
index. Also notifies the layout manager to add the component to
the this container's layout using the specified constraints object.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be added
- constraints - an object expressing layout contraints for this
- See Also:
- remove, LayoutManager
public void add(Component comp,
Object constraints,
int index)
- Adds the specified component to this container with the specified
constraints at the specified index. Also notifies the layout
manager to add the component to the this container's layout using
the specified constraints object.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be added
- constraints - an object expressing layout contraints for this
- index - the position in the container's list at which to insert
the component. -1 means insert at the end.
- See Also:
- remove, LayoutManager
protected void addImpl(Component comp,
Object constraints,
int index)
- Adds the specified component to this container at the specified
index. Also notifies the layout manager to add the component to
the this container's layout using the specified constraints object.
This is the method to override if you want to track every add
request to a container. An overriding method should usually
include a call to super.addImpl(comp, constraints, index).
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be added
- constraints - an object expressing layout contraints for this
- index - the position in the container's list at which to
insert the component. -1 means insert at the end.
- See Also:
- remove, LayoutManager
public void remove(int index)
- Removes the component at the specified index from this container.
- Parameters:
- index - the index of the component to be removed
- See Also:
- add
public void remove(Component comp)
- Removes the specified component from this container.
- Parameters:
- comp - the component to be removed
- See Also:
- add
public void removeAll()
- Removes all the components from this container.
- See Also:
- add, remove
public LayoutManager getLayout()
- Gets the layout manager for this container.
- See Also:
- doLayout, setLayout
public void setLayout(LayoutManager mgr)
- Sets the layout manager for this container.
- Parameters:
- mgr - the specified layout manager
- See Also:
- doLayout, getLayout
public void doLayout()
- Does a layout on this Container. Most programs should not call
this directly, but should invoke validate instead.
- Overrides:
- doLayout in class Component
- See Also:
- setLayout, validate
public void layout()
- Note: layout() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by doLayout().
- Overrides:
- layout in class Component
public void invalidate()
- Invalidates the container. The container and all parents
above it are marked as needing to be laid out. This method can
be called often, so it needs to execute quickly.
- Overrides:
- invalidate in class Component
- See Also:
- validate, layout, LayoutManager
public void validate()
- Validates this Container and all of the components contained
within it.
- Overrides:
- validate in class Component
- See Also:
- validate, invalidate
protected void validateTree()
- Recursively descends the container tree and recomputes the
layout for any subtrees marked as needing it (those marked as
invalid). Synchronization should be provided by the method
that calls this: validate.
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
- Returns the preferred size of this container.
- Overrides:
- getPreferredSize in class Component
- See Also:
- getMinimumSize
public Dimension preferredSize()
- Note: preferredSize() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by getPreferredSize().
- Overrides:
- preferredSize in class Component
public Dimension getMinimumSize()
- Returns the minimum size of this container.
- Overrides:
- getMinimumSize in class Component
- See Also:
- getPreferredSize
public Dimension minimumSize()
- Note: minimumSize() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by getMinimumSize().
- Overrides:
- minimumSize in class Component
public Dimension getMaximumSize()
- Returns the maximum size of this container.
- Overrides:
- getMaximumSize in class Component
- See Also:
- getPreferredSize
public float getAlignmentX()
- Returns the alignment along the x axis. This specifies how
the component would like to be aligned relative to other
components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1
where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned
the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.
- Overrides:
- getAlignmentX in class Component
public float getAlignmentY()
- Returns the alignment along the y axis. This specifies how
the component would like to be aligned relative to other
components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1
where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned
the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.
- Overrides:
- getAlignmentY in class Component
public void paint(Graphics g)
- Paints the container. This forwards the paint to any lightweight components
that are children of this container. If this method is reimplemented,
super.paint(g) should be called so that lightweight components are properly
rendered. If a child component is entirely clipped by the current clipping
setting in g, paint() will not be forwarded to that child.
- Parameters:
- g - the specified Graphics window
- Overrides:
- paint in class Component
- See Also:
- update
public void print(Graphics g)
- Prints the container. This forwards the print to any lightweight components
that are children of this container. If this method is reimplemented,
super.print(g) should be called so that lightweight components are properly
rendered. If a child component is entirely clipped by the current clipping
setting in g, print() will not be forwarded to that child.
- Parameters:
- g - the specified Graphics window
- Overrides:
- print in class Component
- See Also:
- update
public void paintComponents(Graphics g)
- Paints the components in this container.
- Parameters:
- g - the specified Graphics window
- See Also:
- paint, paintAll
public void printComponents(Graphics g)
- Prints the components in this container.
- Parameters:
- g - the specified Graphics window
- See Also:
- print, printAll
public synchronized void addContainerListener(ContainerListener l)
- Adds the specified container listener to receive container events
from this container.
- Parameters:
- l - the container listener
public void removeContainerListener(ContainerListener l)
- Removes the specified container listener so it no longer receives
container events from this container.
- Parameters:
- l - the container listener
protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
- Processes events on this container. If the event is a ContainerEvent,
it invokes the processContainerEvent method, else it invokes its
superclass's processEvent.
- Parameters:
- e - the event
- Overrides:
- processEvent in class Component
protected void processContainerEvent(ContainerEvent e)
- Processes container events occurring on this container by
dispatching them to any registered ContainerListener objects.
NOTE: This method will not be called unless container events
are enabled for this component; this happens when one of the
following occurs:
a) A ContainerListener object is registered via addContainerListener()
b) Container events are enabled via enableEvents()
- Parameters:
- e - the container event
- See Also:
- enableEvents
public void deliverEvent(Event e)
- Note: deliverEvent() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by dispatchEvent(AWTEvent e)
- Overrides:
- deliverEvent in class Component
public Component getComponentAt(int x,
int y)
- Locates the component that contains the x,y position. The
top-most child component is returned in the case where there
is overlap in the components. This is determined by finding
the component closest to the index 0 that claims to contain
the given point via Component.contains().
- Parameters:
- x - the x coordinate
- y - the y coordinate
- Returns:
- null if the component does not contain the position.
If there is no child component at the requested point and the
point is within the bounds of the container the container itself
is returned, otherwise the top-most child is returned.
- Overrides:
- getComponentAt in class Component
- See Also:
- contains
public Component locate(int x,
int y)
- Note: locate() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by getComponentAt(int, int).
- Overrides:
- locate in class Component
public Component getComponentAt(Point p)
- Locates the component that contains the specified point.
- Parameters:
- p - the point
- Returns:
- null if the component does not contain the point;
returns the component otherwise.
- Overrides:
- getComponentAt in class Component
- See Also:
- contains
public void addNotify()
- Notifies the container to create a peer. It will also
notify the components contained in this container.
This method should be called by Container.add, and not by user
code directly.
- Overrides:
- addNotify in class Component
- See Also:
- removeNotify
public void removeNotify()
- Notifies the container to remove its peer. It will
also notify the components contained in this container.
This method should be called by Container.remove, and not by user
code directly.
- Overrides:
- removeNotify in class Component
- See Also:
- addNotify
public boolean isAncestorOf(Component c)
- Checks if the component is contained in the component hierarchy of
this container.
- Parameters:
- c - the component
protected String paramString()
- Returns the parameter String of this Container.
- Overrides:
- paramString in class Component
public void list(PrintStream out,
int indent)
- Prints out a list, starting at the specified indention, to the specified
out stream.
- Parameters:
- out - the Stream name
- indent - the start of the list
- Overrides:
- list in class Component
public void list(PrintWriter out,
int indent)
- Prints out a list, starting at the specified indention, to the specified
print writer.
- Overrides:
- list in class Component
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