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Class java.awt.BorderLayout


public class BorderLayout
extends Object
implements LayoutManager2, Serializable
A TNT style border bag layout. It will layout a container using members named "North", "South", "East", "West" and "Center". When you add a component to a container that has a BorderLayout layout manager, be sure to specify a string for where to add the component, for example:
    Panel p = new Panel();
    p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    p.add(new Button("Okay"), "South");
As a convenience, BorderLayout interprets the absence of a string specification the same as "Center":
    Panel p2 = new Panel();
    p2.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    p2.add(new TextArea());  // Same as p.add(new TextArea(), "Center");
The "North", "South", "East" and "West" components get layed out according to their preferred sizes and the constraints of the container's size. The "Center" component will get any space left over.

Variable Index

The center layout constraint.
The east layout constraint.
The north layout constraint.
The south layout constraint.
The west layout constraint.

Constructor Index

 o BorderLayout()
Constructs a new BorderLayout with no gaps between components.
 o BorderLayout(int, int)
Constructs a BorderLayout with the specified gaps.

Method Index

 o addLayoutComponent(Component, Object)
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraint object.
 o addLayoutComponent(String, Component)
Replaced by addLayoutComponent(Component, Object). Deprecated.
 o getHgap()
Returns the horizontal gap between components.
 o getLayoutAlignmentX(Container)
Returns the alignment along the x axis.
 o getLayoutAlignmentY(Container)
Returns the alignment along the y axis.
 o getVgap()
Returns the vertical gap between components.
 o invalidateLayout(Container)
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
 o layoutContainer(Container)
Lays out the specified container.
 o maximumLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
 o minimumLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components contained in the specified target container.
 o preferredLayoutSize(Container)
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
 o removeLayoutComponent(Component)
Removes the specified component from the layout.
 o setHgap(int)
Sets the horizontal gap between components.
 o setVgap(int)
Sets the vertical gap between components.
 o toString()
Returns the String representation of this BorderLayout's values.


 public static final String NORTH
The north layout constraint.

 public static final String SOUTH
The south layout constraint.

 public static final String EAST
The east layout constraint.

 public static final String WEST
The west layout constraint.

 public static final String CENTER
The center layout constraint.


 o BorderLayout
 public BorderLayout()
Constructs a new BorderLayout with no gaps between components.

 o BorderLayout
 public BorderLayout(int hgap,
                     int vgap)
Constructs a BorderLayout with the specified gaps.

hgap - the horizontal gap
vgap - the vertical gap


 o getHgap
 public int getHgap()
Returns the horizontal gap between components.

 o setHgap
 public void setHgap(int hgap)
Sets the horizontal gap between components.

hgap - the horizontal gap between components
 o getVgap
 public int getVgap()
Returns the vertical gap between components.

 o setVgap
 public void setVgap(int vgap)
Sets the vertical gap between components.

vgap - the vertical gap between components
 o addLayoutComponent
 public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp,
                                Object constraints)
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraint object.

comp - the component to be added
constraints - where/how the component is added to the layout.
 o addLayoutComponent
 public void addLayoutComponent(String name,
                                Component comp)
Note: addLayoutComponent() is deprecated.

Replaced by addLayoutComponent(Component, Object).

 o removeLayoutComponent
 public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
Removes the specified component from the layout.

comp - the component to be removed
 o minimumLayoutSize
 public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target)
Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components contained in the specified target container.

target - the Container on which to do the layout
See Also:
Container, preferredLayoutSize
 o preferredLayoutSize
 public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target)
Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.

target - the component which needs to be laid out
See Also:
Container, minimumLayoutSize
 o maximumLayoutSize
 public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target)
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.

target - the component which needs to be laid out
See Also:
Container, minimumLayoutSize, preferredLayoutSize
 o getLayoutAlignmentX
 public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container parent)
Returns the alignment along the x axis. This specifies how the component would like to be aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

 o getLayoutAlignmentY
 public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container parent)
Returns the alignment along the y axis. This specifies how the component would like to be aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

 o invalidateLayout
 public void invalidateLayout(Container target)
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.

 o layoutContainer
 public void layoutContainer(Container target)
Lays out the specified container. This method will actually reshape the components in the specified target container in order to satisfy the constraints of the BorderLayout object.

target - the component being laid out
See Also:
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns the String representation of this BorderLayout's values.

toString in class Object

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