Inside Solaris by Jim Mauro

Turnstiles and priority inheritance

Last month's coverage of sleep queues and the sleep/wakeup mechanism in Solaris provides a perfect springboard for this month's topic -- turnstiles

August  1999
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Last month, Jim described the implementation of sleep queues in Solaris, and how, in conjunction with condition variables, they provide the framework for kernel thread sleep and wakeup. This month, he looks at another method employed for handling sleep and wakeup in Solaris -- turnstiles. He'll also cover the kernel implementation of priority inheritance. (4,000 words)

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The Solaris kernel implements a facility known as turnstiles for managing kernel threads that are waiting for synchronization primitives -- specifically, mutex (mutual exclusion) locks and reader/writer locks. These are some of the synchronization primitives used to implement support for shared memory processor (SMP -- also referred to as symmetric multiprocessor) parallel processing architectures. Systems implementing an SMP architecture, such as Sun's multiprocessor servers, and desktops based on the SPARC processor architecture, have a single physical address space and kernel virtual address space. A single image of the operating system is shared by all the processors installed on the system. The symmetry is due to the peer-to-peer relationship between the processors; there is no master processor that executes all kernel code and handles interrupts. All the processors can process interrupts, execute kernel functions, and so on.

Building such systems presents several challenges. It can be difficult getting scalable performance through concurrent execution of kernel code; protecting critical state so that multiple processors are not manipulating the same set of data at the same time (for example, adjusting pointers to the same data structure on a linked list) can be problematic as well. This is where mutex locks and reader/writer locks come in. Locks are created, initialized, and designed to synchronize access to kernel data structures; kernel code is then written that complies with the locking scheme. The lock must be acquired before data can be written or read. Mutex locks are binary in nature; only one lock holder is allowed at time. Reader/writer locks are implemented in situations where it is safe to allow multiple reads, but only one write, of data at any given moment.

Solaris implements two flavors of mutex locks, adaptive and spin. When a kernel code segment attempts to acquire a mutex lock, and the lock is being held, the thread can do one of two things: spin or block. Spinning on a mutex means simply executing a tight loop, with lock acquisition attempted in each pass through the loop. Blocking means putting the thread to sleep. There are pros and cons to both approaches. Spinning has the advantage of not requiring a context switch off the processor, such that, once the lock is acquired, execution continues. The downside is that a processor is consumed during the spin. Blocking frees up the processor, as the blocked thread is put to a sleep state and context switched off the processor, freeing it up for other work. It does, however, require the overhead of context switching the thread back in once the lock is available, and the general overhead of dealing with a wakeup mechanism.

Adaptive mutex locks deal with the above choices in a dynamic fashion. If a mutex lock is currently owned by another thread when a kernel thread attempts to acquire the lock, the state of the thread is examined. If the thread holding the lock is running, the kernel thread trying to get the lock will spin, based on the assumption that the running thread will release the lock in relatively short order. If the holder is sleeping, then the thread wanting the lock will also block (sleep), because it doesn't make sense to consume a processor spinning and waiting for the holder to wake up and release the lock. Most mutex locks in the Solaris kernel are adaptive. Spin locks are used only for locks held at high system priority levels (above level 10 -- high-priority interrupt handlers), where context switching is not allowed (more on this next month).

In the event of a kernel thread blocking on a mutex, or a reader/writer lock (reader/writer locks are not adaptive -- a held write lock will always result in a sleep), turnstiles are used to manage the sleep queues and synchronize the wakeup when the lock is available.

The last bit of background information we need before going into the details of turnstiles involves a problem known as priority inversion. Picture a scenario in which a high-priority thread needs a lock in order to execute, but the lock is being held by a lower-priority thread. In essence, the lower-priority thread is preventing a higher-priority thread from executing. This is the priority inversion problem. Solaris addresses this problem with a scheme known as priority inheritance, where the higher priority thread can will its global dispatch priority to the lower priority thread holding the lock. The lower-priority thread inherits the higher priority, and is therefore able to get scheduled sooner so it can complete the process of releasing the lock. At this point, it will be reassigned the priority it had prior to the inheritance.

A final note before getting into the specifics of turnstiles. Solaris 2.6 added a new utility called lockstat(1M), which is built on a pseudodevice (/dev/lockstat) and driver in the kernel. lockstat(1M) reports statistical information on mutexes, both adaptive and spin, and reader/writer locks. This utility is, of course, available in Solaris 7 as well, but not in releases prior to Solaris 2.6.

Turning our attention to turnstiles
A turnstile is a data abstraction that encapsulates sleep queues and priority inheritance information associated with mutex locks and reader/writer locks. The implementation of turnstiles was changed substantially in Solaris 7, although the underlying premise has remained the same. We'll begin by looking at the 2.5.1/2.6 mechanism, and then get into what changed in Solaris 7.

Figure 1. Structure of tstile_mod

The tstile_mod structure is where it all begins. It maintains the links to the turnstiles, as well as various fields required for implementation, such as the number of turnstiles in the pool, number of active rows in the tsm_chunk array, number of active turnstiles, a link to the pool of turnstiles, and an array of pointers to chunks of turnstiles (tsm_chunk[] -- these are the active turnstiles). The turnstile itself maintains a forward link to other turnstiles on the list, a structure with priority inheritance information (pirec), and an array with two sleep queues; for reader/writer locks, readers and writers are kept on separate sleep queues, while only one of them is used for mutex locks. As we saw last month, the sleep queue points to the kernel thread on the queue (sq_first). Other links that bind it all together include kernel thread links to the turnstile (set when a kthread is blocking on a synchronization object), and a point from the kthread to the pirec structure if the priority of the kernel thread was changed due to priority inversion. The benef field of pirec points back to the kernel thread that is the recipient (benefactor) of a better priority due to inheritance.

The kernel creates a small pool of turnstiles at boot time and allocates a turnstile from the pool when a thread needs to block on a mutex or reader/writer lock. This pool is the list of turnstiles linked off tsp_list in Figure 1. The turnstile is returned to the available pool when the thread is woken up. The code attempts to maintain a pool of turnstiles that keep pace with the number of kernel threads on the system by looking at the turnstile pool every time the internal thread_create() function is called to create a new kernel thread. If the number of kernel threads is greater than the number of turnstiles in the pool when a kernel thread is created, the code will dynamically allocate more turnstiles for the pool.

When an executing kernel thread requires a lock, it calls either mutex_enter() or mutex_tryenter(), passing either function the address of the mutex lock it's trying to acquire. mutex_enter() is called more frequently; mutex_tryenter() will return immediately if the lock can not be acquired, whereas mutex_enter() will result in the typical spin or block behavior if the lock is held. The mutex_tryenter() routine exists for situations in which the calling code cannot afford to spin or block if the required mutex is not immediately available. One such use of mutex_tryenter() is as a "function-is-running" flag, where a kernel function grabs a mutex when the function starts. If another kernel thread makes the same function call, it makes a mutex_tryenter() call upon entry; and if mutex_tryenter returns an error (the lock is held), we know another thread is running the function. Let's take a look at the flow of a mutex_enter() call, and see where turnstiles and priority inheritance kick in.

The mutex_enter() function checks the lock type (adaptive or spin) that is established when the lock is created and initialized. If the lock is a spin lock, and it is being held, the code enters a spin loop, trying to acquire the lock with each pass through the loop. If the lock is adaptive, and currently being held, the code checks the state of the thread holding the lock. If the holder is running, a spin loop is entered; if not, the kernel thread that made the mutex_enter() call and originally requested the lock is set to block (sleep). As a note, the code segment that is entered for adaptive locks is where the mutex_adaptive_lock_enter field in the processor's sysinfo structure is incremented. The number of adaptive lock enters is reflected in the smtx column in mpstat(1M).

When a lock is being held and the holder is not running, it's time to get a turnstile to set the requesting thread up for sleep. A turnstile is allocated from the pool of turnstiles, and the relevant structure fields are initialized. Both the turnstile structure and adaptive mutex structure contain fields used by the kernel as part of the overall implementation. An adaptive mutex structure contains a field that stores the ID of the turnstile awaited by the thread. If the waiters field is zero (that is, there are no threads waiting), a turnstile is allocated from the pool, the waiters field in the mutex is set to the turnstile ID of the turnstile just allocated, and the turnstile's ts_sobj_priv_data (turnstile synchronization object private data) field is set to point to the address of the adaptive mutex structure. Otherwise, if a thread is already waiting for the mutex, the address of the turnstile that has already been allocated for the mutex is retrieved.

In either case, we now have a turnstile for the synchronization object (the adaptive mutex), and we can proceed with changing the thread state to sleep and setting up the sleep queue associated with the turnstile. The kernel t_block() function is called for this purpose, and the CL_SLEEP macro is invoked. Remember from previous columns that the scheduling-class-specific functions are invoked via macros that resolve to the proper function based on the scheduling class of the kernel thread. In the case of a TS or IA class thread, the ts_sleep() function is called, and the thread's priority is set to a SYS priority. This is a priority boost -- when it wakes up, it will get to run above TS and IA priorities -- and the thread state is set to TS_SLEEP. The kernel thread's t_wchan field (wait channel) is set to the address of the synchronization object operation's vector -- an array of functions specific to the adaptive mutex object. Recall from last month that a link to a similar set of functions is done for sleep queues. In the case of turnstiles, the different synchronization object's turnstiles are used to define an operation's vector, which is a simple data structure that contains the object type, the address of the owner, and unsleep and priority change functions specific to the object. A synchronization object operation's structure is declared for all of the sync objects that exist in the Solaris kernel. Here's the structure definition from /usr/include/sys/sobject.h:

 * The following data structure is used to map
 * synchronization object type numbers to the
 * synchronization object's sleep queue number
 * or the synch. object's owner function.

typedef struct _sobj_ops {
        char            *sobj_class;
        syncobj_t       sobj_type;
        qobj_t          sobj_qnum;
        kthread_t *     (*sobj_owner)();
        void            (*sobj_unsleep)(kthread_t *);
        void            (*sobj_change_pri)(kthread_t *, pri_t, pri_t *);
} sobj_ops_t;

Finally, the thread's t_ts field is set to the address of the turnstile, and the thread is inserted on the turnstile's sleep queue. The sleep queue functions we discussed last month are invoked indirectly through marcos defined in the turnstile header file (insertion of the thread on a sleep queue is done through the TSTILE_INSERT macro that calls the kernel's sleepq_insert() function). When it's all done, the kernel thread resides in the sleep queue associated with the turnstile (as depicted in Figure 1), and the kernel thread's t_ts field is set to reference the address of the turnstile. A kernel thread can only be blocked on one, and no more than one, synchronization object at any point in time. So, t_ts will either be a null pointer or a pointer to a single turnstile.

We're not quite done -- now it's time for the priority inheritance check to determine if the thread holding the lock is at a lower (worse) priority than the thread requesting the lock (the one that was just placed on a turnstile sleep queue). The kernel pi_willto() function is called, and the priority of the mutex owner is checked against the thread waiting. If the owner priority is greater than the waiting thread's priority, we do not have a priority inversion condition, and the code just bails out. If the waiter priority is greater than the owner, we do have a priority inversion condition, in which case the priority of the mutex owner is boosted to that of the waiter. The t_epri field of the kernel thread is used for inherited priorities, and a nonnull value in t_epri will result in the inherited priority of the thread being used when it's time to place the thread on a dispatch queue (after the wakeup) for scheduling.

At this point, the turnstile has been set, with the waiting thread on the turnstile's sleep queue; the potential for a priority inversion problem has been checked; and a priority inheritance, if needed, has been performed. The kernel now enters the dispatcher swtch() function to find the best runable thread on a dispatch queue and run it, resulting in the executing kernel thread relinquishing the processor.

The scenario for a reader/writer lock is essentially the same. When an attempt is made by a kernel thread to acquire a reader/writer lock, and the lock is currently being held (owned) by another thread, the turnstile functions are called to allocate a turnstile (or set the turnstile pointer if a turnstile already exists for the lock, meaning that there is at least one other thread waiting). The kernel thread is then placed on a sleep queue associated with the turnstile. As we noted earlier, a turnstile associated with a reader/writer lock will maintain two separate linked lists of sleep queues -- one for readers and one for writers.

The wakeup mechanism is actually quite simple. The convention for using locks in the kernel requires that a call to a synchronization object enter routine (mutex_enter() or rw_enter(), for example) is followed at some point by a exit call (mutex_exit() or rw_exit(), for example), which releases the lock being held. For an adaptive mutex or a reader/writer lock, the release function checks the waiters field maintained in the synchronization object. If there are waiting kernel threads, a turnstile macro, TSTILE_WAKEONE(), is referenced, which results in the sleepq_wakeone() function being invoked. The highest priority thread on the turnstile's sleep queue will be woken up through the scheduling-class-specific wakeup routine and placed on the appropriate dispatch queue based in its priority (a SYS priority in this case -- remember, the thread was given a SYS priority when it was put to sleep; upon wakeup it would get scheduled before any TS and IA class threads). Once executing, it'll make another grab at the sync object for which it was blocking. The turnstile can now be returned to the pool of available turnstiles.


So what's different in Solaris 7?
As we mentioned earlier, the implementation of turnstiles in Solaris 7 was rewritten; a significant amount of code was removed, and some new, more efficient functions were developed. Turnstiles are maintained in a system-wide hash table, turnstile_table[], which is an array of turnstile_chain structures. Each entry in the array is a turnstile_chain structure, and is the beginning of a linked list of turnstiles for the same lock. The array is indexed via a hash function on the address of the synchronization object (the mutex or reader/writer lock). The turnstile_table array, shown below in Figure 2, is statically initialized at boot time.

Figure 2. Structure of turnstile_table

Each entry in the chain has its own lock, allowing chains can be traversed concurrently. The turnstile itself has a different look; for each chain, there is an active list (ts_next) and a free list (ts_free). There is also a count of threads waiting on the sync object (waiters), a pointer to the synchronization object (ts_sobj), a thread pointer linking to a kernel thread that had a priority boost through priority inheritance, and the sleep queues. As with the 2.6 implementation, there are two sleep queues per turnstile. Note that the priority inheritance data is integrated into the turnstile, so there is no longer a pirec structure.

New turnstile functions were developed to support the new model and integrate the priority inheritance functionality. In prior releases, the priority inheritance code was a distinct set of kernel routines (the pi_willto() function to which we referred earlier, for example). The general sequence of events is the same across all the releases.

Let's take the same sample situation from our previous section in which a kernel thread executes a mutex_enter() or rwlock_enter() call to grab a lock, and the lock is currently being held by another thread -- and see what happens when it occurs on a Solaris 7 system. As above, in the case of an adaptive mutex with the owner not running, the caller will block (for reader/writer locks, the caller always blocks if the lock is owned). The changes in Solaris 7 result in a call to look up the turnstile for the synchronization object in the turnstile_table[]. We index the array by hashing on the address of the sync object; so, if a turnstile already exists (that is, there are already waiters), we'll get the correct turnstile. Otherwise, the lookup function will simply return the address of a turnstile with no waiters.

The first step is now completed. This means the code has a turnstile; next, the kernel thread needs to be set to a sleep state and placed on the sleep queue associated with the turnstile, and a priority inversion condition needs to be tested for and resolved if it exists. The Solaris 7 turnstile_block() function handles the placement of the thread onto the sleep queue for the requested lock, does the priority inversion test on any threads that may already be waiting for the same lock, and, as in the 2.6 example, relinquishes the processor by entering the dispatcher's swtch() function.

In turnstile_block(), the pointers are set up based on the return from turnstile_lookup(). If the turnstile pointer is null, we link up to the turnstile at which the kernel thread's t_ts pointer is pointing. (When a kernel thread is initialized in Solaris 7, a turnstile is created and linked to its t_ts pointer). If the pointer returned from the lookup is not null, then there's already at least one kthread waiting on the lock; as a result, the code sets the pointer links up appropriately (see Figure 2). The thread is then put into a sleep state, as with the previous example, through the scheduling-class-specific sleep routine (ts_sleep()). It is inserted on the sleep queue associated with the synchronization object using the sleepq_insert() interface described last month. The waiters field in the turnstile is incremented, and the code does the priority inversion check (now part of the turnstile_block() routine). The same rules apply: if the priority of the lock holder is lower (worse) than the priority of the requesting thread, the requesting thread's priority is willed to the holder; the holder's t_epri field is set to the new priority, and the inheritor pointer in the turnstile is linked to the kernel thread. At this point, the dispatcher is entered via a call to swtch(), and another kernel thread is yanked off of a dispatch queue and context switched in.

The wakeup mechanics are initiated as previously described: a call to the lock exit routine will result in a turnstile_wakeup() if there are threads blocking on the lock. In the Solaris 7 code all the threads blocking on the lock are woken up, as opposed to waking just one of potentially several threads as was the case in 2.5.1/2.6. Readers familiar with issues around operating systems design have likely seen references to the thundering herd problem, which is a colorful term used to describe a situation in which multiple threads are woken up that are waiting for the same resource; they're all made runable, and on a multiprocessor system, they all make a grab for the resource at the same time.

Sun engineering coded the turnstile_wakeup() in Solaris 7 in a generic enough way so that a single thread wakeup could be executed, instead of all threads inevitably waking up together. Exhaustive testing under a variety of different loads has shown that, in practice, we very rarely end up with a large blocking chain of threads, and thus almost never run into the thundering herd problem. The wakeup-all implementation also solves some bit synchronization issues that make a wakeup-one scenario tricky.

Closing notes
With this month's coverage of turnstiles, we have covered the sleep/wakeup mechanisms implemented in Solaris for both synchronization objects and other events that require putting a kernel thread on a sleep queue. A separate facility, turnstiles, was created for synchronization objects for the purposes of speed (performance) and cleaner implementation of priority inheritance. It is worth noting that, in actual practice, it is not frequently necessary to place a thread in a sleep state for purposes of blocking on a mutex lock. Also, there are several inherent complexities in developing locking and sleep/wakeup strategies around locks in the kernel that we didn't really get into this month. For instance, in a multiprocessor system, you need to deal with the fact that another thread executing on another processor may be attempting to acquire or has acquired the lock for which you're currently establishing state. There are issues involved with the different interrupt levels, in terms of thread context switching and sleeping. Also, there's the matter of memory state, ensuring that a set lock is globally visible to all processors that may reference the memory location of the lock.

We didn't get into all the particulars of these issues due to complexity and level of detail; we have yet to provide enough background information to make them understandable to those that may not be familiar with the joys of developing a kernel for parallel systems. Suffice it to say, at this point that these issues are, in fact, addressed through some very clever and carefully coded kernel functions and algorithms. Beginning next month, we'll start talking about lower-level kernel support functions and the subtleties of parallel systems, and get into more detail on the implementation of the synchronization primitives.

As a final note, this month's column marks two years of Inside Solaris, which is about 23 months longer than I thought I'd be able to sustain developing material! I'd once again like to thank everyone for their continued interest and support.


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About the author
Jim MauroJim Mauro is currently an area technology manager for Sun Microsystems in the Northeast, focusing on server systems, clusters, and high availability. He has a total of 18 years of industry experience, working in educational services (he developed and delivered courses on Unix internals and administration) and software consulting. Reach Jim at

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