Interface java.applet.AppletStub
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Interface java.applet.AppletStub

public interface AppletStub
extends Object
Applet stub. This interface is used to implement an applet viewer. It is not normally used by applet programmers.

Method Index

 o appletResize(int, int)
Is called when the applet wants to be resized.
 o getAppletContext()
Gets a handler to the applet's context.
 o getCodeBase()
Gets the base URL.
 o getDocumentBase()
Gets the document URL.
 o getParameter(String)
Gets a paramater of the applet.
 o isActive()
Returns true if the applet is active.


 o isActive
  public abstract boolean isActive()
Returns true if the applet is active.
 o getDocumentBase
  public abstract URL getDocumentBase()
Gets the document URL.
 o getCodeBase
  public abstract URL getCodeBase()
Gets the base URL.
 o getParameter
  public abstract String getParameter(String name)
Gets a paramater of the applet.
 o getAppletContext
  public abstract AppletContext getAppletContext()
Gets a handler to the applet's context.
 o appletResize
  public abstract void appletResize(int width,
                                    int height)
Is called when the applet wants to be resized.

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