SQR Server 4.3 from SQRIBE Technologies (enterprise reporting software)
Platforms: AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, DG- UX, OS/400, MVS, OpenVMS, Windows 95/98, Windows NT
Price: starts at $10,000 per server
URL: http://www.sqribe.com
Enterprise report processing engine with support for more than 50 new platform, database, and operating system combinations -- bringing the total number to over 100. SQR Server's distributed processing architecture is used for high-volume, high-performance server-based reporting. SQR reporting technology also ships as a part of many well-known commercial application software products such as PeopleSoft's enterprise application software.

From a single pass of multiple databases, SQR Server can produce hundreds of output files and transactions, each with its own structure, layout, output definition, graphics, and data, thereby maximizing processor performance and reducing network overhead. Conventional departmental reporting systems require multiple loops through the same databases, making them unsuitable for high- volume reporting requirements.

SQR Server provides native drivers for a wide range of enterprise data sources, including Oracle, Informix, Sybase, DB2, SQLBase, SQL Server, RDB, Red Brick Warehouse, and OpenIngres.

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