Java(tm) Development Kit
Version 1.1
Tools Reference Pages - Solaris
- Base Tools
- javac
- The Java Language Compiler that you use to compile programs written in the
Java(tm) Programming Language into bytecodes.
- java
- The Java Interpreter that you use to run programs written in the
Java(tm) Programming Language.
- jre
- The Java Runtime Interpreter that you can use to run Java applications.
tool is similar to the java
tool, but is
intended primarily for end users who do not require all the
development-related options available with the java
- jdb
- The Java Language Debugger that helps you find and fix bugs in Java(tm)
- javah
- Creates C header files and C stub files for a Java(tm) class.
These files provide the connective glue that allow your code written
in the Java Programming Language to interact with code written in
other languages like C.
- javap
- Disassembles compiled Java(tm) files and prints out a representation of
the Java bytecodes.
- javadoc
- Generates API documentation in HTML format from Java(tm) source code.
- appletviewer
- Allows you to run applets without a web browser.
- RMI Tools
- rmic
- Generates stub and skeleton
class files for Java objects implementing the
- rmiregistry
- Starts a remote object
registry on a specified port. The remote object registry is a
bootstrap naming service which is used by RMI servers.
- serialver
- Returns the serialVersionUID for one or more classes.
- Internationalization Tools
- native2ascii
- Converts non-Unicode Latin-1
(source code or property) files to Unicode Latin-1.
- JAR Tool
- jar
- Combines multiple files into a single
Java Archive (JAR) file.
- Digital Signing Tool
- javakey
- Generates digital signatures for archive files and to manage
the database of entities and their keys and signatures.
- Environment Variables
- Tells the Java Virtual Machine and other Java applications where
to find the class libraries.
Java(tm) Developers Kit