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Interface java.rmi.server.RMIFailureHandler
- public interface RMIFailureHandler
An RMIFailureHandler can be registered via the
RMISocketFactory.setFailureHandler call. The "failure" method of
the handler is invoked when the RMI runtime is unable to create a
Socket or ServerSocket. The "failure" method returns a boolean
indicating whether the runtime should attempt to retry.
- The "failure" callback is invoked when the RMI runtime is
unable to create a Socket or ServerSocket via the
public abstract boolean failure(Exception ex)
- The "failure" callback is invoked when the RMI runtime is
unable to create a Socket or ServerSocket via the
RMISocketFactory. The RMIFailureHandler is registered via a
call to RMISocketFacotry.setFailureHandler(). The default
failure handler returns false.
- Parameters:
- ex - the exception that occurred during socket creation
- Returns:
- if true, the RMI runtime attempts to retry
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